

Wapma Thura-Southern Flinders Ranges National Park (Telowie Gorge Conservation Park and Wirrabara Range), Mount Remarkable National Park, The Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park and Mount Brown Conservation Park will be closed from 6pm Sunday 16 March until 6pm Friday 21 March for pest control operations. Details

Telowie Gorge Conservation Park and Wirrabara Range (Wapma Thura – Southern Flinders Ranges National Park) will be closed for feral animal control operations from 6am 10 February to 6pm 14 February 2025, and again from 6am 3 November to 6pm 7 November 2025. Details

Park fees:
Accommodation from: $14.50 per night
Fees must be paid before entry to the park. Campsite fees are per night, subject to availability.
241km from Adelaide
Booking FAQs

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Estab­lished in 1877, Wirrabara For­est was one of the state’s first for­est reserves, estab­lished to ensure a sus­tain­able tim­ber resource for South Australia. 

The for­est derives its name from an Abo­rig­i­nal word for a place of big trees” and is sit­u­at­ed in the South­ern Flinders Ranges, 210 km north of Ade­laide and just west of the Wirrabara township. 

Sites such as the reha­bil­i­tat­ed Old Nurs­ery offer a unique per­spec­tive into South Australia’s plan­ta­tion forestry his­to­ry, while the Ippinitchie Camp­ground pro­vides the per­fect base for campers want­i­ng to explore the local area, wildlife and scenery. 

Take a for­est bush­walk or cross-coun­try ride on the park’s shared use trails, which are nes­tled with­in the native and pine plan­ta­tion reserves. 

Both Hey­sen and Maw­son trails tra­verse sec­tions of the park. 

Learn about Wirrabara’s rich forestry ori­gins by explor­ing the his­toric ruins dat­ing back to 1877.