Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary National Park - Winaityinaityi Pangkara

Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary National Park - Winaityinaityi Pangkara

The Buckland Park section of the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary National Park - Winaityinaityi Pangkara (to the south of Port Gawler Road) will be closed from 5am-12 noon on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and 4pm-midnight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1 October 2024 to 30 June 2025. Details

Park fees:
Free entry
28.25km from Adelaide
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The Bird Sanc­tu­ary encom­pass­es over 60km of coast­line north of Ade­laide, adja­cent to Gulf St Vin­cent, Adelaide’s north­ern sub­urbs and spans across four local coun­cil areas. With­in the bird sanc­tu­ary sits the Ade­laide Inter­na­tion­al Bird Sanc­tu­ary Nation­al Park — Winaity­i­naityi Pangkara. Winaity­i­naityi Pangkara means a coun­try for all birds and the coun­try that sur­rounds these birds’ in the lan­guage of the Kau­r­na people.

The Bird Sanc­tu­ary sits right at the south­ern end of the East Asian-Aus­tralasian Fly­way (EAAF) and is one of the key feed­ing and roost­ing sites for migra­to­ry birds who use the fly­way each year. Birds fly from as far as Siberia and Alas­ka, pass­ing through 22 coun­tries. The area acts as a cru­cial habi­tat on this migra­to­ry route which is used by more than 5 mil­lion birds a year, 27,000 of which call Ade­laide Inter­na­tion­al Bird Sanc­tu­ary home.

Whilst being one of Adelaide’s longest con­tin­u­ous con­ser­va­tion areas, the Bird Sanc­tu­ary is home to 263 unique fau­na and flo­ra species. In par­tic­u­lar, the Bird Sanc­tu­ary helps pro­tect res­i­dent and migra­to­ry shore­birds, includ­ing threat­ened species such as Curlew sand­piper, Rud­dy turn­stone, Red knot and East­ern Curlew as well pro­duc­tive man­groves, marine and coastal assets, riv­er sys­tems and many sig­nif­i­cant ter­res­tri­al species and eco­log­i­cal communities.

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