Innamincka Regional Reserve
Munga-Thirri Simpson Desert National Park, Witjira National Park, Malkumba Coongie Lakes National Park and Innamincka Regional Reserve are closed until further notice due to large rain events across the northern outback, which have resulted in track closures and impassable terrain. Details
Due to flood damage some National Parks and Wildlife Campgrounds and Day Visitor Areas within Innamincka Regional Reserve are currently closed. Details
More information
Click the button below to view more information.
Check the latest Desert Parks Bulletin before visiting this park.
Innamincka Regional Reserve is a park of contrasts. Covering more than 1.3 million hectares of land, ranging from the life-giving wetlands of the Cooper Creek system to the stark arid outback, the reserve also sustains a large commercial beef cattle enterprise, and oil and gas fields.
The heritage-listed Innamincka Regional Reserve park headquarters and interpretation centre gives an insight into the natural history of the area, Aboriginal people, European settlement and Australia’s most famous explorers, Burke and Wills.
From the interpretation centre, visit the sites where Burke and Wills died, and the historic Dig Tree site (QLD) which once played a significant part in their ill-fated expedition.
Shaded by the gums, the waterholes provide a relaxing place for a spot of fishing or explore the creek further by canoe or boat.
Open daily.
Fire safety and information
Listen to your local area radio station for the latest updates and information on fire safety.
Check the CFS website or call the CFS Bushfire Information Hotline 1800 362 361 for:
- Information on fire bans and current fire danger ratings
- Current CFS warnings and incidents
- Information on what to do in the event of a fire
Please refer to the latest Desert Parks Bulletin for current access and road condition information.
Visitor information and bookings
Innamincka Regional Reserve Office
Phone: (+61 8) 8675 9909
Park management:
Port Augusta National Parks Wildlife Service South Australia office
Phone: (+61 8) 8648 5300
Emergency contacts:
Medical, fire (including bushfire) and police emergency situations
Phone: Triple Zero — 000
Police Assistance
Phone: 131 444 for non-urgent police assistance
National Parks and Wildlife Service SA – After-hours duty officer
Phone: 0408 378 284
Injured wildlife:
Within the park
Please contact Port Augusta National Parks Wildlife Service South Australia office on (08) 8648 5300 or the after-hours duty officer on 0408 378 284.
Outside of the park
Please contact a local wildlife rescue group
Climatically and scenically, late autumn and early spring are the best times to visit this park, March and early April can still be quite hot with the possibility of rain. The summer months from November through to February can be very hot and dry. If you are lucky enough to visit the park a few weeks after a soaking rain, you will be rewarded with ephemeral wildflowers and the sound of frogs in flowing creeks.
Innamincka is 1046km from Adelaide. Access is via the Strzelecki Track via Leigh Creek. Please refer to the latest Desert Parks Bulletin for current access and road condition information.
Assistance dogs are permitted in most public places and are therefore welcome in South Australia’s parks and reserves. Assistance dogs must be appropriately restrained on a lead and remain under your effective control at all times while in a park or reserve.
As per the dogs in parks and reserves policy, if the dog is not an accredited assistance dog, they must be trained to assist a person with a disability to alleviate that disability and meet standards of hygiene and behaviour appropriate for a dog in a public place. However, refusal may be given if the person with the disability is unable to produce evidence the dog is an assistance dog with the appropriate training.
Before taking your assistance dog into a park that does not normally allow dogs, it is highly recommended that you contact us so we can provide you with the latest information on any potential hazards within specific parks that may affect your dog. Please contact the park via the contact details provided under the contact tab or contact the visitor service centre via email or on Facebook.
Dogs are welcome in this park.
Please ensure you:
- Keep your dog under control and on a lead no more than two metres in length.
- Stick to designated walking trails.
- Bring disposable bags to clean up your dog’s faeces (please be aware there are no bins in national parks).
Discover other parks you can walk your dog in on our find a park tool or read 12 dog-friendly walks in Adelaide Parks by Good Living for inspiration.
Policemans, Ski Beach, Burkes Grave and Cullyamurra campgrounds all have toilets facilities available. If staying in Minkie Waterhole or Kings Site campgrounds, come prepared to be self-sufficient as these campgrounds have no facilities.
The township of Innamincka has camp sites (privately managed), a hotel, homestay, store, petrol/fuel, toilets, showers, phones, ranger station, information centre, rubbish disposal, and mechanic and tyre repairs.
Northern river red gums and coolibahs cover the banks and flood out areas of Cooper Creek, which flows into the Coongie Lakes system. Lignum often forms dense thickets beneath the river red gums. The gibber country has sparse vegetation, except for mitchell-grass and some other grasses and herbs. The drainage lines are filled with red mulga and gidgee. Dunes in this area can be as high as fifteen metres. Dune vegetation varies, but visitors may see whitewood, narrow-leaf Hop-bush, sandhill Wattle and sandhill Cane-grass. Soil type and how often the area is inundated determines the vegetation type from grasses and herbs to low open woodlands.
Over two hundred bird species have been recorded in the Innamincka and Coongie Lakes region. The wetlands are an important habitat for birds moving between northern and southern Australia, and in some cases, internationally. Species seen include wetland birds such as Australian pelicans and red-necked avocets, and desert birds like inland dotterels and gibberbirds.
The Coongie Lakes area is also known for attracting large congregations of birds – over 70 000 birds have been observed at one time. Twenty-four of the bird species in the area are classified as rare, vulnerable or endangered in South Australia. Ten wetland species and 45 waterbird species are known to breed in the area.
Many species of native animals are present in the parks including dingoes, red kangaroos, turtles, and water-rats, which are a delight to watch as they swim and dive along the banks of the Cooper. Snakes are rarely seen, especially during the cooler months of April to September, but should always be treated with respect and left alone. The area is home to the world’s most venomous snake, the inland taipan. Feral animals including donkeys, camels and pigs also inhabit the park.
Flora and fauna species lists
To download flora (plants) and fauna (animals) species lists for this park, use the ‘Create Simple Species List’ tab under ‘Flora Tools’ or ‘Fauna Tools’ in NatureMaps.
- There is no mobile coverage in most of the reserve. There is mobile reception in and close to the Innamincka township, however there are issues with using this during peak visitor periods.
Outback Road Report
1300 361 033 (24-hour automated service)
Northern and Western South Australian Outback Roads Temporary Closures, Restrictions and Warnings Report
- Important: Collection of firewood within National Parks is prohibited. Dead wood plays a vital role in providing shelter for animals and adding nutrients to the soil.
- Desert Parks of South Australia brochure
- Birdsville Strzelecki visitor brochure — legendary tracks of the Maree-Innamincka district
- Ramsar Convention
- Please refer to the latest Desert Parks Bulletin for current access and road condition information.
- Read the Insider guide for Innamincka on the Good Living blog.
- Explore what other nature and outdoor activities are available in this area on the South Australia Tourism website.
Cooper Creek was a major Aboriginal trade route, and the name Innamincka is believed to have derived from Aboriginal legend. Some say it means ‘dark hole’, others say it means ‘meeting place’.
The Coongie Lakes and associated wetlands are a spiritual site for Aboriginal people and were crucial to maintenance of the Indigenous populations due to the availability of resources, particularly following flood events.
The Yandruwandha and Yawarrawarrka people lived in this region for thousands of years, taking advantage of the prolific birdlife and seasonal wildlife. The groups retain a strong interest and presence in the area.
Word from the Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka Parks Advisory Committee
For traditional owners, co-management has enabled us to have a say over what is happening on our lands. It is a partnership between the traditional owners and Government that is based on shared knowledge, trust and goodwill.
Our people lived and thrived around Malkumba – Coongie Lakes for many generations before European explorers and pastoralists arrived in the 1800s. Despite loss of country, our culture was not lost; we kept our language and stories, and handed them on.
We are keen to protect the land and share our stories and culture with neighbouring communities and visitors. The Malkumba – Coongie Lakes National Park Management Plan (2014) identifies three zones within the park – Heritage and Conservation Zone; Living and Camping Zone; and Fishing Zone – to allow our community members to carry out traditional activities today. We have also improved interpretative signs and are finalising a cultural heritage plan.
Aboriginal peoples have occupied, enjoyed and managed the lands and waters of this State for thousands of generations. For Aboriginal first nations, creation ancestors laid down the laws of the Country and bestowed a range of customary rights and obligations to the many Aboriginal Nations across our state.
There are many places across the State that have great spiritual significance to Aboriginal first nations. At some of these places Aboriginal cultural protocols, such as restricted access, are promoted and visitors are asked to respect the wishes of Traditional Owners.
In places where protocols are not promoted visitors are asked to show respect by not touching or removing anything, and make sure you take all your rubbish with you when you leave.
Aboriginal peoples continue to play an active role in caring for their Country, including in parks across South Australia.
The town of Innamincka began as a police camp in 1882 and soon became a thriving commercial centre, with a hotel, police station, store, boarding house, blacksmith’s shop and school. The Elizabeth Symon Nursing Home was opened in 1928. It was part of a network of outback hospitals set up by John Flynn and run by the Australian Inland Mission to provide medical services for people living in isolated areas. It closed in 1951 due to the declining population. In July 1994, following major restoration works, it was reopened as the Innamincka Regional Reserve park headquarters and information centre and is listed as a heritage site. The interpretive display is open to the public daily and gives insight into the natural history of the area, Aboriginal people and their culture, European settlement, outback nursing and the history of the building and the people who worked there.
Innamincka was geographically destined to play a major role in the early exploration of Australia’s interior. Its central location and reliable water supply made it an ideal base camp or resting place for expeditions to the north and west and later, cattle drives from the east and south. Riverbeds with their canopies of shade offered mid-summer relief for travellers and stock. There were plentiful supplies of fish and game most of the year. Captain Charles Sturt became the first European to set eyes on these wetlands in 1844 – 45. Only fifteen years later, Burke and Wills died here. Their companion, John King, was eventually rescued by Alfred Howitt, only after receiving help from local Aboriginal people. Burke’s Memorial, Wills’ Memorial and King’s Site are all found in the Innamincka Regional Reserve, while the Dig Tree is a short drive into Queensland.
Between 1870 and 1890 the north-east of South Australia saw the arrival of sheep and cattle, leading to the establishment of the pastoral industry at the turn of the century. Sidney Kidman bought Coongie Station in 1902 and Innamincka Station in 1908. The two properties were merged in 1930 under a pastoral lease to become a productive cattle fattening and horse breeding run. Innamincka Station now covers 13 800 square kilometres of the Innamincka Regional Reserve and is still leased by the S Kidman and Co pastoral company. Early in 1996, Coongie Lakes and Cullyamurra Waterhole were fenced and cattle excluded from these areas.
Petroleum exploration
Since the first gas discovery in 1963, the Cooper Basin has become the largest onshore hydrocarbon production region in Australia. Innamincka Regional Reserve covers approximately 30% of the South Australian portion of the basin. Santos and other companies hold the licences to explore for and extract oil and gas from the basin. Hydrocarbons are processed at Moomba, 90 km south-west of Innamincka and from there gas is sent via pipeline to customers in South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT. Malkumba-Coongie Lakes National Park was proclaimed in 2005 to protect the Ramsar-listed wetlands. Exploration and mining is not permitted in Malkumba-Coongie Lakes National Park.
We have picked the brains of our park rangers to find out what they would recommend you see and do whilst visiting this park.
- Reading up on the history before you visit. Helen Tolcher’s books, especially Seed of the Coolibah, provide a really good history of the Yandruwandha and Yawarrawarrka, and Sarah Murgatroyd’s The Story of Burke and Wills puts a lot of the history into perspective.
- Finding a camp early, not directly under a red gum as they drop big limbs, set up and relax.
- Going for a walk with your camera and binoculars.
- Don’t just stay by the creek. Walk the dunes and swales among bloodwoods and whitewoods, the gibber country, Mineritchie creeks and clay pans – they’re all beautiful in their own way.
- That you be prepared for flies, dust and sun.
- Stay for a few days, don’t rush through. Relax and recharge your personal battery.
- Visiting in a well prepared vehicle – the tracks vary in condition.
- Bringing a tough trailer, weak ones are regularly abandoned.
- Getting a Desert Parks Pass and read it before you arrive.
- Visiting the AIM building and its Visitor Centre to learn about the area before heading out to the many sites.
- Taking a walk along Cullyamurra Waterhole or the sites down the 15 Mile Track, and take in the sights, sounds and smells
There are no significant walks in the reserve. Short walks are at Burke’s Grave and at the end of the Cullyamurra campgrounds. However, visitors can walk between campgrounds that run off the 15 Mile Track down along the Cooper Creek.
Campsites need to be booked prior to arrival.
Book online to reserve your campsite up to 12 months in advance.
Policemans campground
Suitable for: tents, camper trailers
Located on the banks of Cooper Creek, 2 km south-west of Innamincka, this is our closest campground to the Innamincka township. Access is via the Fifteen Mile Track. The campground has three campsites and toilet facilities.
Ski Beach campground
Suitable for: tents, camper trailers
This campground offers shaded campsites on the banks of the Cooper Creek. Located only 4 km south-west of Innamincka, it is a convenient base to explore the area. Access is via the Fifteen Mile Track. The campground has four campsites and toilet facilities.
Minkie Waterhole campground
Suitable for: tents, camper trailers and caravans
A secluded campground, set amongst river red gums. The Minkie waterhole has an abundance of birdlife. The campground is located 9 km south-west of Innamincka via the Fifteen Mile Track. The campground has three campsites. Come prepared to be self-sufficient as this campground has no facilities.
Kings Site campground
Suitable for: tents and camper trailers
Located 5 km south-west of Innamincka, this campground is where John King, the sole survivor of the Burke and Wills expedition was found alive in 1861. Access is via the Fifteen Mile Track. The campground has two campsites. Come prepared to be self-sufficient as this campground has no facilities.
Burkes Grave campground
Suitable for: tents, camper trailers and caravans.
This campground, located 11 km north-east of Innamincka, is the final resting place of Robert O’Hara Burke, of the Burke and Wills expedition. Camping is available for up to eight vehicles and has toilet facilities.
Cullyamurra Waterhole campground
Suitable for: tents and camper trailers.
Cullyamurra Waterhole is Australia’s largest billabong and offers shaded campsites, abundant birdlife and is a popular fishing spot. Located 16 km north-east of Innamincka, the campground has 15 campsites spaced along the 7 km waterhole. There are several toilets.
Innamincka Town Common (privately operated)
The Town Common campground is separate to the National Parks campgrounds and has a separate fee. Toilets and coin-operated showers are available at the Innamincka Trading Post.
Innamincka Hotel
The Innamincka Hotel offers premium motel rooms and also has several huts with ensuites for single accommodation.
Phone: 08 8675 9901
Innamincka Trading Post
The Innamincka Trading Post has self-contained cabin accommodation available.
Phone: 08 8675 9900
You can ride your bike on public roads throughout the Reserve, but please be wary of the trucks and vehicles supporting Cooper Basin operations in the area.
Motorised boats are allowed along Cooper Creek in Innamincka Regional Reserve provided the motor is less than 10 horsepower and speed is kept below 10 knots. All boats must be registered and a licence is required. Motorboats are not permitted in Malkumba-Coongie Lakes National Park.
No fishing licence is required in South Australia. However, bag and size limits apply under the South Australian Fisheries Act 1982. Only certain types of nets are allowed in the Cooper Creek. Check signs at Innamincka.
Fishing is not permitted in Malkumba-Coongie Lakes National Park.
Fishing is actively managed in South Australia by the Department of Primary Industries and Resources SA.
Check out these useful links before embarking on your fishing adventure:
Burke and Wills graves
Explorers Burke and Wills now lie buried in Melbourne, but the sites where the final drama of their tragic expedition played out are along Cooper Creek, close to Innamincka township. Burke’s body was found by rescue party leader Alfred Howitt at a spot now marked by a memorial. A marker identifies the place where Wills is believed to have died, close to where he was buried.
King’s Tree
John King, the sole survivor of the Burke and Wills expedition, was found lying in a wurlie (an Aboriginal shelter) by Howitt’s rescue party. King sought out the local Aboriginal people for help and their survival skills kept him alive.
Cullyamurra Waterhole
One of the most magnificent waterholes in central Australia, Cullyamurra Waterhole is formed by great floods in the Cooper Creek which are restricted by a very narrow passage — the Innamincka Choke. The waterhole has never been known to be dry. Nearby are old stockyards, relics of early pastoral enterprise.
The Dig Tree
Although the historic Dig Tree site is not located in Innamincka Regional Reserve, it is only a 60 minute (68km) drive away, across the Queensland border, and is well worth a visit. This is the site from which Burke and Wills set off for the Gulf of Carpentaria and the scene of their tragic return to find the camp deserted and a carving on a large coolibah tree telling them where to dig for supplies. The outline of the carving can still be seen today.
Immerse yourself in the outback river of Cooper Creek by canoeing or kayaking your way along the winding river — canoes can be hired from the Innamincka Hotel.
Please take care to plan your river trip, allow plenty of time and be back before sunset.
Want to help?
To find out how you can help in this park or nearby, please visit Friends of Innamincka Reserves.
Want to join others and become a Park Friend?
To find out more about Friends of Parks groups please visit Friends of Parks South Australia.
You could join others to help look after a park. You can take part in working bees, training and other events.
The international Trail Users Code of Conduct is to show respect and courtesy towards other trail users at all times.
Ensure that you:
- when hiking, wear sturdy shoes, a hat and sunscreen
- be aware of weather conditions and avoid walking during the hottest part of the day
- make sure you have appropriate weather proof clothing
- carry enough water to be self-sufficient
- please be respectful of other users at all times
- stay on the designated trails and connector tracks for your own safety, and prevent the spread of declared weeds to other areas in the park
- ensure someone knows your approximate location and expected time of return
- take appropriate maps.
- Walk, hike or trek — what’s the difference?
For a safe journey, it is essential that you are well-prepared and well-provisioned. Careful planning can help to avoid uncomfortable trips, lengthy delays, or potentially life-threatening situations. You are responsible for your own safety.
Who to tell
- Inform a responsible person of your travel itinerary. Arrange to make scheduled calls and have emergency plans in the event you do not reach locations within designated times. Allow a reasonable time for minor delays.
- Obtain permission from landholders prior to travelling through private or Aboriginal lands.
- Travel with other vehicles or stay in contact with other travellers. In the event of a breakdown or accident, this may reduce the need to use expensive outside assistance.
What to take
Carry adequate supplies:
- water – 6 litres per person per day minimum plus a 3 – 4 day reserve supply.
- food – adequate supply for trip plus a 3 – 4 day reserve supply.
- fuel – check maps, determine fuel needs and calculate distances between refuelling points en route. Ensure you carry enough fuel to safely get you between fuel stops that are the greatest distances apart. Frequent low gear and 4WD uses fuel faster than high gear travel so allow for up to double normal fuel consumption.
- spares – at least two tyres and tubes, but if possible take two spare wheels.
- tools – long-handled spade, tyre levers, tyre pressure gauge, air compressor, spanners, multigrips, screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, electrical tape, WD40, spare fan belt, radiator hoses, coolant, engine oil, transmission oil, spark plugs, fuses, spare fuel filter, fence wire and plastic tubing, etc.
- recovery equipment – jack, jack plate, wheel brace, tyre levers, tube mending kit, tow rope, leather gloves, winch, winch sling, tree protector, D shackles, snatch block and straps, jumper leads (booster cables), etc.
- first aid kit – travellers should have a well equipped first aid kit. Medical assistance can be days away, so be prepared for an emergency. St Johns Ambulance provide a range of suitable first aid kits.
- sun protection – sunscreen, hat, sunglasses and long-sleeved loose shirts to avoid sunburn, heat stress and heat stroke.
- communications equipment – take a satellite phone or HF radio to keep in contact or for emergencies. UHF radio can be used to communicate between vehicles in convoy. EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons) are also recommended for use in emergency situations. Ensure someone in the party has a thorough understanding of how to use these devices.
- navigation – maps, compass, GPS. Weather conditions vary seasonally in the outback.
Check weather forecasts and road conditions prior to travel, and where possible during travel, on the Bureau of Meteorology and Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) website.
24-hour Road Condition Information Service
Phone: 1300 361 033
Desert Parks Administration Officer
Phone: (+61 8) 8648 5328
Can I have a fire or barbecue?
- Wood fires and solid fuel fires are prohibited between 16 October 2023 to 27 March 2024.
- You must bring your own firewood, as the collection of firewood within national parks is prohibited.
- Gas fires are permitted through the year, other than on days of total fire ban.
- Ensure you are familiar with the fire restrictions for this park.
Fire safety and information
Listen to your local area radio station for the latest updates and information on fire safety.
Check the CFS website or call the CFS Bushfire Information Hotline 1800 362 361 for:
Swimming is not recommended in the Cooper Creek due to potential underwater hazards such as fallen limbs, trees and rocks.
The safest way to travel to, and around this area is in a well-equipped and well-provisioned 4WD vehicle with high ground clearance and an experienced driver at the wheel. Drivers should be familiar with their vehicles, understand vehicle capabilities, and be able to execute appropriate driving techniques to suit different terrains and weather conditions.
Know your vehicle
- Be familiar with your 4WD vehicle. Ensure it is well-maintained, serviced, and roadworthy. It is recommended that your 4WD has high ground clearance if travelling through sand.
- Know how to operate your 4WD transmission before you leave. Know if your vehicle is fitted with locking hubs and how to engage them.
- Inspect your vehicle every morning before you start driving for the day. Check tyre pressures and fluid levels. Clean air filters and the windscreen. Look underneath for leaks and damage to cables and hoses and remove any dry vegetation that could catch fire.
Vehicle access
- Keep to designated public access tracks, parking areas and campgrounds. Vehicles are more likely to get damaged or stranded off-track.
- Mining and petroleum infrastructure is not to be accessed by the public.
- Do not camp in creek beds or watercourses in case of flash flooding.
- Do not camp under trees that may drop limbs.
- Do not drive on salt lakes.
Driving on unsealed roads
- Engage 4WD and lock hubs when driving on unsealed tracks and in potentially dangerous terrain. Remember to disengage 4WD when returning to sealed roads.
- Travel at speeds appropriate to road conditions. Reduce speeds on dirt roads where potholes, corrugations and loose stones may cause vehicle damage and accidents.
- Adhere to speed limits. The speed limit in parks and reserves is 40 km per hour unless otherwise signed.
- Avoid wet-weather driving. Dirt roads can become impassable, dangerous and easily damaged.
- Take extreme care at creek crossings. Water levels can rise unexpectedly with unknown heavy rains falling upstream.
- On dirt roads, slow down and keep well left when passing oncoming vehicles to avoid possible windscreen damage from stones.
- Keep a safe distance from the vehicle travelling in front of you.
- Pull over and stop when dust limits visibility. Never overtake through a dust cloud, there may be another vehicle coming towards you.
- Look out for wildlife and stock on roads particularly at sunrise and sunset. Slow down when passing birds of prey feeding on road kill as they take some time to get airborne.
Driving through sand
- Engage 4WD and lock hubs when driving in sand and in potentially dangerous terrain. Remember to disengage 4WD when returning to sealed roads.
- Reduce tyre pressures to 18 – 20 psi when driving in sand. Always reduce speeds when driving with lower tyre pressures to avoid tyres coming off rims. Remember to reinflate tyres when leaving sandy areas.
- Keep as far left as track conditions permit when crossing dune crests. Lead vehicles should carry a tall flag to warn oncoming traffic of their approach to dunes.
- Maintain a constant speed when driving through sand in low range third or fourth gear or high range second or third gear. Do not apply brakes abruptly as this will bury the front wheels. Do not change direction sharply.
Public Access Routes (PARs)
- Public access routes are established under the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 to provide public access over pastoral land without the need for travellers to ask permission from the lessee.
- Public access routes are not roads or part of the formal road network. They are unimproved and unsurfaced dirt tracks intended to provide four wheel drive access in dry conditions only.
Every national park is different, each has its own unique environment, it is important to be responsible while enjoying all the park has to offer.
Please ensure that you:
- keep your dog on a lead at all times and check if there are areas of the park where dogs are not allowed
- do not feed birds or other animals, it promotes aggressive behaviour and an unbalanced ecology
- do not bring generators (except where permitted), chainsaws or firearms into the park
- leave the park as you found it — there are no bins in national parks, please come prepared to take your rubbish with you.
- abide by the road rules (maintain the speed limit)
- respect geological and heritage sites
- do not remove native plants
- are considerate of other park users.
- Important: Collection of firewood within National Parks is prohibited. Dead wood plays a vital role in providing shelter for animals and adding nutrients to the soil.
Why does my dog need to be on a lead?
If your dog is off lead, it is more likely to impact on native wildlife and other visitors in a park and be at risk itself.
Risks to wildlife:
- Dogs off tracks will leave a scent in the bush that will keep wildlife away.
- Uncontrolled dogs may frighten wildlife and disrupt their natural behaviour.
- Some dogs will kill or injure wildlife.
Risks to other park visitors
- Dogs may be aggressive to other park visitors.
- Even friendly dogs can knock people over causing injury.
- Some people want to enjoy parks without dogs.
Risks to your dog
- Poison baits may be laid to control foxes. Baits can be fatal to dogs.
- Even if your dog is friendly, other dogs may not be.
- Your dog can catch parasites (such as fleas and ticks) from wildlife.
- Snake bites are a real risk in natural areas such as parks.
- Wildlife such as kangaroos and koalas will defend themselves if threatened by a dog and can cause significant injury to or the death of your dog.
To remain safe and to keep dingoes wild, please:
- ensure you store rubbish, food, shoes and leather items securely
- do not feed the dingoes – they are naturally lean animals
- always stay close to your children
- do not encourage, excite, or run away from dingoes
- if you are attacked, aggressively defend yourself.
When camping in a National Park, it’s important to remember the following:
- Always let someone responsible know your travel plans, especially when travelling in remote areas. It’s a good idea to let them know when you expect to return.
- Check the weather forecast before you leave and during your travels where possible, including overnight temperatures on the Bureau of Meteorology. Even during very mild weather, the nights can get very cold.
- The quality and quantity of water cannot be guaranteed within parks. Please bring plenty of water and food to be self-sufficient.
- Always camp in designated sites (where applicable) — do not camp beneath trees with overhanging branches, as they can drop without warning. It’s also a good idea to check that there are no insect nests nearby.
- Check to make sure you’re not camping in a natural waterway, flash floods can happen anytime.
- If camp fires are permitted, you must bring your own firewood, as the collection of firewood within National Parks is prohibited. Extinguish your camp fire with water (not sand or dirt) until the hissing sound stops.
- Ensure that you are familiar with the fire restrictions for this park.
Park maps
- Innamincka Regional Reserve — Park Map
- Innamincka Regional Reserve — Innamincka surrounds map
Maps on your mobile
If you have a smartphone or tablet you can download the free Avenza Map app and have interactive national park maps on hand when you need them.
The app uses your device’s built-in GPS to plot your real-time location within the park onto a map. The app can be used without a network connection and without roaming charges. You can also measure area and distance, plot photos and drop placemark pins.
How to get it working on your device:
1. Download the Avenza Maps app from the app store (iOS/Android) whilst you are still in range (its free!).
2. Open up the app and click the shopping cart icon.
3. Click ‘Find’ and type the name of the national park or reserve you are looking for.
4. Click on the map you are after and install it (all our maps are free).
5. You will now find a list of your installed maps on the home page of the Avenza Maps app.
6. Use our maps through the Avenza Mapa app while in the park and never take a wrong turn again.
Please book and pay online for vehicle entry and camping prior to arrival as self-registration stations are no longer available in this park.
Where can I book and pay in person?
If you are unable to book and pay online you can do so, in person, at these booking agents across the state.
For online bookings enquiries please email:
Campsites need to be booked prior to arrival.
Click through to the online booking page for more details about individual campgrounds and fees.
Book online
Book online to reserve your campsite up to 12 months in advance.
Please note: the Town Common is separate to the National Parks campgrounds and has a separate fee.
Where can I book and pay in person?
If you are unable to book and pay online you can do so, in person, at these booking agents across the state.
For online bookings enquiries please email:
Desert Park Pass
Heading to the outback? Purchase a Desert Parks Pass which entitles you to 12 months vehicle entry into seven desert parks.
The pass also allows you to camp for periods of up to 21 nights at a time in the desert parks (excluding Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park, where camping is not permitted).
The Desert Parks Pass is mandatory if you’re planning to travel into Munga-Thirri – Simpson Desert National Park or are travelling east of Dalhousie Springs in Witjira National Park. Day vehicle entry and camping is available for all other Desert Parks.
There are no other fees or permits associated with this park.