Mount Monster Conservation Park

Mount Monster Conservation Park

Duck Hunting season begins 30 minutes prior to sunrise on Saturday 22 March 2025 to 30 minutes after sunset on Sunday 29 June 2025. Please note that during this period the use of firearms may be audible whilst visiting the park. Details

Park fees:
Free entry
236.78km from Adelaide
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Locat­ed 12 km south of Kei­th, Mount Mon­ster Con­ser­va­tion Park boasts many spe­cial fea­tures. The parks is not­ed for its pre­dom­i­nant geo­log­i­cal fea­ture, an unusu­al gran­ite out­crop found only in one oth­er loca­tion in South Aus­tralia. A short hike to the sum­mit offers unin­ter­rupt­ed views over the gran­ite out­crops, nat­ur­al bush­land and the flat agri­cul­tur­al land extend­ing into the hori­zon. For the inquis­i­tive, an inter­pre­tive self-guid­ed walk around the base of the gran­ite out­crop will reveal some of the secrets of Mount Monster.

A mosa­ic of soil types sur­round­ing the out­crops rang­ing from shal­low stony soil to dark brown loams sup­ports a diverse ecosys­tem of bush­land includ­ing blue and pinkgum wood­land, mallee, broom­bush heath and gold­en and prick­ly wat­tle shrub­lands. Sheoaks, banksias and hakeas are oth­er pre­vail­ing species, and in spring, a spec­tac­u­lar­ly rich diver­si­ty of wild­flow­ers includ­ing orchids can be seen. The park also pro­vides an impor­tant refuge for wildlife includ­ing kan­ga­roos, wal­la­bies, echid­nas, wood­land birds, and reptiles.

With all this to offer, Mount Mon­ster will quick­ly become a favourite park for fam­i­ly pic­nics, hikes, wild­flower view­ing and bird watching.