Marine parks teacher resources

A range of teacher resources have been devel­oped to help stu­dents explore, under­stand and val­ue our South Aus­tralian marine environment. 

In South Aus­tralia we have our own Great Bar­ri­er Reef called the Great South­ern Reef. To recog­nise and respect this these resources will help teach­ers imple­ment local­ly rel­e­vant con­tent into class­rooms, cre­at­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of ocean cham­pi­ons. They have been devel­oped with sup­port from the Depart­ment for Edu­ca­tion and oth­er teach­ing and marine experts.

Watch our lat­est Teacher Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Train­ing deliv­ered online in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Aus­tralian Asso­ci­a­tion of Envi­ron­men­tal Edu­ca­tion (August 2023), fea­tur­ing a range of edu­ca­tion experts and marine sci­en­tists. The video steps through ocean lit­er­a­cy prin­ci­ples’ and South Australia’s lat­est teach­ing resources on sharks and rays and marine parks.

Watch this video to inspire and assist you in how to inte­grate Ocean Lit­er­a­cy’ prin­ci­ples into your lessons: Teach­ing Ocean Lit­er­a­cy.

Dis­cov­er our learn­ing resources:

NEW! Sharks & Ray Resources
NEW! Sharks & Ray Resources
NEW! Sharks & Ray Resources
NEW! Sharks & Ray Resources
NEW! Sharks & Ray Resources