Mesophotic reefs teaching resources

Nes­tled in the twi­light zone of the ocean, mesophot­ic reefs present a mys­te­ri­ous and less explored area between the well-lit shal­low waters and the dark abysses. These unique ecosys­tems, found at depths of 30 to 150 metres, are trea­sure troves of bio­di­ver­si­ty, host­ing an array of life forms adapt­ed to low-light conditions.

This new resource and video are designed for Year 6 sci­ence stu­dents in South Aus­tralia, focus­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly on the tem­per­ate reefs along the Great South­ern Reef.

Video resource:

Sup­port­ing video: Marine teach­ing Resources – Study­ing Mesophot­ic reefs in SA

Down­load­able resource:

Study­ing Mesophot­ic reefs in South Aus­tralia – Teach­ing Notes

Study­ing Mesophot­ic reefs in South Aus­tralia – Stu­dent Worksheet