Telford Scrub Conservation Park

Telford Scrub Conservation Park

Duck Hunting season begins 30 minutes prior to sunrise on Saturday 22 March 2025 to 30 minutes after sunset on Sunday 29 June 2025. Please note that during this period the use of firearms may be audible whilst visiting the park. Details

Park fees:
Free entry
420.56km from Adelaide
Booking FAQs

More information

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Take a walk along the for­est canopy board­walk to expe­ri­ence the remain­ing native for­est with­in Telford Scrub Con­ser­va­tion Park. The board­walk is 100 metres long and just over 4 metres high and is placed amongst the branch­es of the trees, enabling vis­i­tors to catch a glimpse of the many birds that live there.

Inter­pre­ta­tive signs along the walk­ing trails high­light some of the park’s fea­tures, includ­ing more than 20 species of native orchids. Choose between a one-hour walk and a two-and-a-half hour one.

A small clear­ing among the veg­e­ta­tion is an ide­al spot to enjoy a picnic.

Google Street View

Want to explore a trail before you leave home or use Google Maps to nav­i­gate straight from your door to the trailhead?

We’ve worked with Google to film more than 600km of walk­ing trails, park roads, camp­grounds and water­ways in some of our most beau­ti­ful places. Click to see what the parks offer and the avail­able facil­i­ties before you go. This is an espe­cial­ly great tool if you have acces­si­bil­i­ty needs, are vis­it­ing with peo­ple of vary­ing ages or fit­ness lev­els or are push­ing a pram and want to view a trail before leav­ing home.

You can start explor­ing this park on Google Street View using the links below.

Walk­ing trails