Tantanoola Caves Conservation Park

Tantanoola Caves Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free Entry (Fees apply for cave entry)
418.02km from Adelaide
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Cel­e­brate footy and fos­sils at Tan­ta­noola Caves dur­ing Gath­er Round 2025! Show your Gath­er Round tick­et when you arrive and pay on-site between Thurs­day April 10 to Sun­day April 13 and enjoy 10% off your vis­it. View Terms and Con­di­tions.

Come and dis­cov­er one of South Aus­trali­a’s most impres­sive caves at the Tan­ta­noola Caves Con­ser­va­tion Park.

This spec­tac­u­lar cave, set into a cliff face, is believed to have been exposed by the con­stant pound­ing of the ocean. Over time the sea has retreat­ed leav­ing behind a cav­ern of inter­est­ing shells, peb­bles and seal bones.

Today, Tan­ta­noola Caves com­pris­es an extra­or­di­nary dis­play of cave dec­o­ra­tions (speleothems) in beau­ti­ful shades of pink and brown, coloured by its dolomite base rock. The Up and Down Rocks’ is a spe­cial highlight.

Tan­ta­noola is one of Aus­trali­a’s few wheel­chair acces­si­ble caves. Upon arrival, enjoy a spe­cial host­ed expe­ri­ence as a knowl­edge­able guide intro­duces you to the his­to­ry and geol­o­gy of the caves and explains how its spec­tac­u­lar array of for­ma­tions has devel­oped over thou­sands of years. You are then free to stroll through the large cav­ern at your leisure and take photographs.

Above ground, take advan­tage of the pic­turesque pic­nic grounds and the cliff top walk­ing trail which offers panoram­ic views of the sur­round­ing district.

Tan­ta­noola Caves are now able to take online book­ings. If you would like to book in advance and guar­an­tee at spot at the time of your choos­ing, book now online.

Book­ings can be made up to mid­night the day pri­or. Tick­ets can still be pur­chased over the counter but there may be a wait to enter the cave due to increased visitation.

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