Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park

Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park

    Park fees:
    Free entry
    km from Adelaide
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    The park includes sev­er­al off­shore islands and takes in the deep waters of Inves­ti­ga­tor Strait and the rugged north coast of Kan­ga­roo Island. The mix­ing of cold and warm waters in the park pro­duces dynam­ic ecosys­tems and con­tributes to the rich marine life, with the park host­ing many known spawn­ing, nurs­ery and feed­ing grounds, par­tic­u­lar­ly for King George whiting.

    Fish­ing is very pop­u­lar with­in the park and can be under­tak­en in the major­i­ty of the park, includ­ing all jet­ties and most beach­es, but is pro­hib­it­ed in sanc­tu­ary zones. Sanc­tu­ary zones are the core con­ser­va­tion areas, cre­at­ed in key loca­tions such as Gleeson’s Land­ing, Chi­na­man’s Hat, Orcades Bank and Water­fall Creek. Sanc­tu­ary zones pro­tect all ani­mals and plants from harm.

    There are plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to fish, both on shore and fur­ther out by boat, while divers can explore the impor­tant habi­tats for reef fish includ­ing the colour­ful har­le­quin fish, west­ern blue dev­il and west­ern blue groper.

    Aus­tralian sea lions and long-nosed fur seals often bask in the sun in the Althor­pe Islands Con­ser­va­tion Park that sits with­in the park. Bird enthu­si­asts should look out along the cliffs where osprey and white-bel­lied sea eagles nest and feed, or along the remote beach­es where hood­ed plovers breed,

    There are numer­ous access points for the South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park includ­ing Hard­wicke Bay, Point Tur­ton, Corny Point, Gleeson’s Land­ing, Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park (Browns Beach, Pon­dalowie and Sten­house Bay) and Mar­i­on Bay.

    More infor­ma­tion:

    Watch this video to see what South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park and Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park has to offer.

    There are a num­ber of resources to help you find where the marine parks are and to locate the zones in each park, whether you’re on land or out in your boat. Used in com­bi­na­tion these prod­ucts, devices and Apps pro­vide you with approx­i­mate real-time loca­tion dis­play in accor­dance with your com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­work or GPS capabilities.

    It is rec­om­mend­ed any geo-ref­er­enced pdf maps or GPS files and the appro­pri­ate apps are down­loaded and installed pri­or to leav­ing home due to lack of net­work con­nec­tiv­i­ty in remote areas.

    SA Recre­ation­al Fish­ing Guide app

    The SA Recre­ation­al Fish­ing Guide app pro­vides your loca­tion in the waters or on beach­es in rela­tion to the zones, and keep a look out for sig­nage at near­by boat ramps.

    Online inter­ac­tive map

    Explore the marine parks and their zones with our find a park map.

    Region­al marine parks and zones maps

    South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Sanc­tu­ary Zones

    SA Marine Parks Sanc­tu­ary Zone Maps’ guide 2016

    Marine park man­age­ment plan maps with zones and coordinates

    Down­load­able detailed pdf maps of Encounter Marine Park show­ing legal zone coor­di­nates. It is impor­tant to read the pdf map capa­bil­i­ty state­ment and dis­claimer before using these maps.

    South­ern Spencer Gulf Marine Park

    You can print maps or use your smart­phone or tablet to view them using the free Aven­za App.

    Please be aware that the land­ward bound­aries of Marine Parks are defined as the medi­an high water (unless oth­er­wise spec­i­fied). Mapped shore­line is rep­re­sen­ta­tive only.

    Marine park zones GPS coordinates 

    You can down­load GPS files for all marine park zones in a num­ber of for­mats. It is impor­tant to read the GPS data capa­bil­i­ty state­ment and dis­claimer before using these maps. 

    Find out how to use the GPS coor­di­nates files.