
Para Wirra Conservation Park

This is a perfect park for immersing yourself in nature – for walking, picnicking, and observing native animal life. The park is also home to the Barossa Goldfields, where you can discover the ruins and the history of a once thriving mining operation.

There are over 100 species of birds living in the park, including the cheeky emus you’ll see patrolling the picnic grounds. You can see kangaroos grazing at dawn and dusk, and on a warm day bearded dragons and sleepy lizards bask in the sunshine. If you’re in luck you might also spot a short-beaked echidna, a shy creature whose diggings can be found throughout the park.

  • Helipad Large Group Campground

    Ide­al for large school and com­mu­ni­ty groups, this open plan camp­ground pro­vides ease of super­vi­sion and a shel­tered area. Along­side is the nature play area, ready to cap­ti­vate imag­i­na­tive play. This site is unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing for a max­i­mum of six­ty guests.

    Access: 2WD, 4WD and Buses.
    Suit­able for tents and swags.
    Facil­i­ties: flush­ing toi­lets, shel­tered area.
    Camp­fires fire pit per site (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites: unal­lo­cat­ed — max­i­mum of 60 guests.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Wirra Campground

    Sit­u­at­ed on the east­ern side of the park amongst the pink gums, grass trees and hop bush, this camp­ground has nine­teen camp­sites, includ­ing some camp sites that are suit­able for small camper vans (RVs) and camper trail­ers. Camp­ing here is con­ve­nient for city-dwellers, fam­i­lies and first-time campers. It’s locat­ed just south-east of Gawler and is one of the clos­est places to Ade­laide that you can camp in a nation­al park. 
    Upon mak­ing a book­ing campers will be sent infor­ma­tion about access the site and oth­er restric­tion at the time of booking.