
Murray River National Park

Come and explore the Murray River National Park. The park provides ample opportunity for a variety of recreational activities such as walking, bike riding, canoeing, bird watching and bush camping. Designated camping areas, with toilets (in selected areas) and parking facilities as well as walking trails and a self-guided drive trail are established over several areas in the park. This park enables the conservation of more than 14,879 hectares and includes a vast network of Murray River wetlands and floodplains that provide unique natural experiences.

Murray River National Park is divided into six separate areas: Katarapko, Lyrup Flats, Kingston-on-Murray, Paringa Paddock, Gurra Gurra and Bulyong Island. As these areas are separated by towns, visitors will need to ensure they familiarise themselves with maps of the region.

  • Katarapko Campground

    Indi­vid­ual seclud­ed camp sites in this sec­tion are sit­u­at­ed along the majes­tic Mur­ray Riv­er, Eck­erts Creek and Katara­p­ko Creek. Most camp­sites offer shade and the abil­i­ty to launch canoes. Learn about Wet­lands on the Ngak Indau Wet­land Trail, Euro­pean his­to­ry on the Crag­gs Hut Walk, or Abo­rig­i­nal his­to­ry on the Kai Kai Nature Trail. New to the Park are the Katara­p­ko and Rodeo Trails. More infor­ma­tion is avail­able on the website. 

    Dogs ARENOT per­mit­ted in the Katara­p­ko Camp­ground camp­ing areas. Dogs are only per­mit­ted on a leash in the Old Rodeo grounds area between Berri and the first bridge/​creek cross­ing. Please refer to the Park map.

    Access 4WD or 2WD in dry con­di­tions. Suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers, car­a­vans. Facil­i­ties: long-drop toi­lets. NOCAMP­FIRESALLOWEDDUR­INGFIREDAN­GERSEA­SON. Num­ber of camp­sites: 55 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Kingston on Murray Campground

    Kingston-on-Mur­ray pro­vides seclud­ed camp­sites with good access to the riv­er with no facil­i­ties. It is bush camp­ing with only a fire ring pro­vid­ed. It is close to the town­ship of Kingston-on-Mur­ray which has pub­lic toi­lets and boat ramps, unfor­tu­nate­ly the shop has closed down, so the clos­est town is Barmera for food and sup­plies. The park pro­vides a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to launch canoes and explore the water­ways of Cham­bers Creek, part of Loch Luna Game Reserve.

    The large trees pro­vide habi­tat for native wildlife, and it is a great place to relax and unwind.

    Dogs are per­mit­ted on a leash with­in Kingston-on-Mur­ray and fires are per­mit­ted in the fire rings out­side of the fire dan­ger sea­son. You must bring your own fire­wood and take your rub­bish home with you.

    The camp­sites are suit­able for tents, swags, car­a­vans and camper trail­ers with a large turn-around area at the end of the park. There are four allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Lyrup Flats Section

    Sit­u­at­ed on the flood­plain on the north­ern side of the riv­er and near the fer­ry at Lyrup. A won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty for bird-watch­ing, fish­ing and camp­ing. Seclud­ed camp­sites, most with ample shade, are sit­u­at­ed along the Mur­ray River.

    Dogs ARE per­mit­ted in the Lyrup Flats area of the park pro­vid­ing they are on a lead. Access 4WD or 2WD in dry con­di­tions. Suit­able for tent, camper trail­er, car­a­van. Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­lets locat­ed in a few places with­in the park. NOCAMP­FIRESALLOWEDDUR­INGFIREDAN­GERSEA­SON. Num­ber of camp­sites: 32 allo­cat­ed camp­sites and 4 day vis­it sites. Unpow­ered campsites.