
Mount Remarkable National Park

Within easy reach of Adelaide, Mount Remarkable National Park is an ideal place to take the family. There’s lots of diverse wildlife and campgrounds with good facilities.

The park is a popular destination for bushwalking, with trails for all ages and abilities. There are some incredible views to be had – the 960 m high Mount Remarkable Summit presides over the Willochra Plain and looks out to the Spencer Gulf.

The Willowie area offers a network of mountain biking and walking trails that meander through foothills of the Mount Remarkable Range, with the option of short and longer trails of varying difficulty. This network of trails meanders through the native forest and valuable Peppermint Box Eucalypt ecological community. The trails take you through peaceful woodlands echoing with bird calls, crossing numerous water courses. Keep a lookout for historical ruins, including the remains of old farm buildings and equipment.

  • Alligator Lodge Accommodation

    Alli­ga­tor Lodge is a spa­cious three bed­room self-con­tained lodge set into the hill­side. Lodge includes an inter­nal bath­room with show­er cubi­cle, bath and a sep­a­rate toi­let. Ide­al­ly locat­ed to explore the parks numer­ous bush­walk­ing trails and a short dri­ve to the parks scenic gorges. The lounge rooms floor to ceil­ing win­dows offer sur­round­ing views of the bush and where you can sit back and enjoy the nat­ur­al surroundings.
  • Baroota Campground

    Locat­ed near the west­ern entrance to the park, this camp­ground has 9 sites that offer var­i­ous lev­els of shade and pro­tec­tion from the wind.

    Access: 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers with select­ed sites suit­able for caravans.
    Camp­fires: to be con­tained to the fire pit only. fire pits locat­ed with­in all camp­sites (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilet.
    Num­ber of campsites:9.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Mambray Creek Cabin Accommodation

    Mam­brary Creek Cab­in is sit­u­at­ed in the main camp­ground at Mam­bray Creek. Con­sist­ing of an open plan space allow­ing up to 4 to sleep. The front veran­dah pro­vides an ide­al spot to relax and enjoy the sounds of nature.
  • Mambray Creek Campground

    A well-estab­lished camp­ground with 49 camp­sites set among the riv­er red gums. The sites are lev­el and offer var­ied amounts of shade and pro­tec­tion from the wind. 

    Access: 2WD and 4WD
    Suit­able for: Tents/​camper trailers/​selected sites suit­able for caravans.
    Camp­fires: To be con­tained to the fire pit only. Fire pits locat­ed with­in all camp­sites (sea­son­al restric­tions apply).
    Facil­i­ties: Two ful­ly acces­si­ble show­er blocks, each with six hot water show­ers and five toi­lets, and a 4‑cubicle toi­let block. Camp kitchen with food prepa­ra­tion and dish­wash­ing facil­i­ties. Pic­nic fur­ni­ture and shel­ters through­out the site.
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 49.