
Loch Luna and Moorook Game Reserves

Explore the floodplains and wetlands of Loch Luna Game Reserve (1,905ha) and the adjacent Moorook Game Reserve (1,236ha). Watchels Lagoon ﴾which can be seen on the right heading towards Berri over the Kingston Bridge﴿ and Loch Luna ﴾to the left of the Kingston Bridge﴿ boasts numerous narrow creeks and shallow swamps that provide important habitats for many aquatic birds and mammals, including herons and the rare white bellied sea eagle.

These parks are popular recreation sites, particularly for river-based activities and camping.

Waterfowl hunting is permitted in the reserves on declared open days. Please check the DEW website for open dates and more information on duck hunting open season before undertaking any hunting activities.

  • Kaiser Strip campground

    Kaiser Strip is split by the Sturt High­way and the camp­sites are locat­ed on the Riv­er Mur­ray and Cham­bers Creek. These 14 sites offer shade and access to the Riv­er and water­ways of Loch Luna. Indi­vid­ual camp­sites offer the feel­ing of seclu­sion whilst not being too far from civilization. 

    Dogs ARE per­mit­ted with­in this sec­tion of the park only and must be kept on a lead at all times. 

    Access 4WD or 2WD in dry con­di­tions, boat access.
    Suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers, caravans.
    Facil­i­ties, Long-drop toilet.
    Num­ber of camp­sites. 13 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Loch Luna campground

    Explore the flood­plain and wet­lands of Loch Luna Game Reserve as it boasts numer­ous nar­row creeks and shal­low swamps that pro­vide impor­tant habi­tats for many aquat­ic birds and mam­mals. Camp­sites are pop­u­lar recre­ation sites dot­ted along Cham­bers and Nock­bur­ra creeks, per­fect for canoe­ing and boat­ing, or per­haps try a spot of fish­ing . Sites offer plen­ty of room to move, with shade and water access to launch canoes.

    Dogs ARENOT per­mit­ted in Loch Luna Campground.

    Access 4WD or 2WD in dry con­di­tions, boat access.
    Suit­able for tents, camper trail­ers, caravans.
    Facil­i­ties, nil.
    Num­ber of camp­sites. 11 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Moorook campground

    Explore the flood­plains and wet­lands of Moorook Game Reserve includ­ing Wach­tels Lagoon. Camp­sites are locat­ed along the Riv­er Mur­ray, offer­ing some shade and water access for riv­er based activities. 

    Dogs ARENOT per­mit­ted in Moorook campground.

    Access 4WD or 2WD in dry conditions.
    Suit­able for tents, camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: nil. 
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 22 allo­cat­ed campsites.