Kanku-Breakaways Conservation Park

Kanku-Breakaways Conservation Park

Park fees:
Vehicle Entry Permit: $12.50 per vehicle
867.24km from Adelaide
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Check the lat­est Desert Parks Bul­letin before vis­it­ing this park.

Kanku-Break­aways Con­ser­va­tion Park cov­ers almost 15,000 hectares fea­tur­ing majes­tic arid scenery. 

The area is home to almost 60 native flo­ra species includ­ing aca­cias, mallee and ere­mophil­ia. It is also home to a vari­ety of wildlife, includ­ing red kan­ga­roos, euro, echid­na, numer­ous bird species and the fat-tailed dun­nart (a mouse-like marsupial). 

The Kanku-Break­aways Con­ser­va­tion Park forms part of the tra­di­tion­al coun­try of the Antakir­in­ja Matun­t­jara Yankun­yt­jat­jara peo­ple. It is owned by Antakir­in­ja Matu-Yankun­yt­jat­jara Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion (AMY­AC). The park is under a unique co-man­age­ment agree­ment between the AMY­AC, Dis­trict Coun­cil of Coober Pedy and Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water (DEW).