
Innamincka Regional Reserve

Check the latest Desert Parks Bulletin before visiting this park.

Innamincka Regional Reserve is a park of contrasts. Covering more than 1.3 million hectares of land, ranging from the life-giving wetlands of the Cooper Creek system to the stark arid outback, the reserve also sustains a large commercial beef cattle enterprise, and oil and gas fields.

The heritage-listed Innamincka Regional Reserve park headquarters and interpretation centre gives an insight into the natural history of the area, Aboriginal people, European settlement and Australia's most famous explorers, Burke and Wills.

From the interpretation centre, visit the sites where Burke and Wills died, and the historic Dig Tree site (QLD) which once played a significant part in their ill-fated expedition.

Shaded by the gums, the waterholes provide a relaxing place for a spot of fishing or explore the creek further by canoe or boat.

  • Burke’s Grave Campground

    This camp­ground, locat­ed 11 km north-east of Innam­inc­ka, is the final rest­ing place of Robert O’Hara Burke, of the Burke and Wills expe­di­tion. There is no shade at this campground. 

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night.

    Access: 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents, camper trail­ers, caravans.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toi­lets at Day Vis­i­tor Area
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing — max­i­mum 8 vehi­cles permitted.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Cullyamurra Waterhole Campground

    Cullya­mur­ra Water­hole is Aus­trali­a’s largest bill­abong and offers shad­ed camp sites, abun­dant birdlife and is a pop­u­lar fish­ing spot. Locat­ed 16 km north-east of Innam­inc­ka, the camp­ground has 15 camp sites spaced along the 7 km waterhole. 

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night.

    Access: high clear­ance 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ground: max­i­mum 15 vehi­cles permitted.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Kings Site Campground

    Locat­ed 5 km south-west of Innam­inc­ka, this camp­ground is where John King, the sole sur­vivor of the Burke and Wills expe­di­tion was found alive in 1861. Access is via the Fif­teen Mile Track. The camp­ground has 3 camp sites.

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night

    Access: high clear­ance 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long drop toilets 
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ing — max­i­mum 4 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Kudriemitchie Campground

    Kudriemitchie Camp­ground is locat­ed on the edge of the reserve, near the entrance to Malkum­ba-Coongie Lakes Nation­al Park and pro­vides lim­it­ed shade. Toi­let facil­i­ties are locat­ed in the mid­dle of the campground.

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night

    Access: high clear­ance 4WD only .
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long drop toilet. 
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ground- max­i­mum 12 vehicles
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Minkie Waterhole Campground

    A seclud­ed camp­ground, set amongst riv­er red gums. The
    Minkie water­hole has an abun­dance of birdlife. The
    camp­ground is locat­ed 9 km south-west of Innam­inc­ka via
    the Fif­teen Mile Track.

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night.

    Access: high clear­ance 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ground – max­i­mum 8 vehicles.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Policemans Campground

    Locat­ed on the banks of Coop­er Creek, 2 km south-west of Innam­inc­ka, this is our clos­est camp­ground to the Innam­inc­ka town­ship on the south­ern side of Coop­er Creek. 
    Access is via Fif­teen Mile Track.

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night

    Access: high clear­ance 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ground — max­i­mum 9 vehi­cles. Gate on
    west­ern end must be kept clear for tour oper­a­tor to access
    tour boat.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Queerbidie Campground

    This camp­ground is locat­ed near Queer­bi­die Water­hole and is just 1.5 km from the Innam­inc­ka town­ship. This is our clos­est camp­ground to the Innam­inc­ka Town­ship and is locat­ed on the north­ern side of the Coop­er Creek cause­way. There is min­i­mal shade at this campground.

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night

    Access: 4WD only.
    Suit­able for: tents, camper trail­ers, caravans.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Unal­lo­cat­ed camp­ground — max­i­mum 12 vehicles 
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Ski Beach Campground

    This camp­ground offers shad­ed camp sites on the banks of the Coop­er Creek. Locat­ed only 4 km south-west of Innam­inc­ka, it is a con­ve­nient base to explore the area. Access is via Fif­teen Mile Track. 

    Camp­ing fees are per vehi­cle per night

    Access: high clear­ance 4WD.
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires: allowed (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of vehi­cles: max­i­mum of 8.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.