
Flinders Chase National Park and Ravine Des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area

Flinders Chase National Park is essential for any Kangaroo Island adventure. This expansive wilderness features iconic Remarkable Rocks, Admirals Arch and a long-nosed fur seal colony.

Perched on ancient rocky platforms above the sea, Remarkable Rocks’ surreal shapes and golden orange hues offer extraordinary photo opportunities. Admirals Arch at Cape du Couedic is not only an impressive rock arch, weathered over thousands of years, but also home to a colony of long-nosed fur seals.

Entry fees apply. Tickets can be purchased at the new visitor centre, which also houses The Rocks Café where you can enjoy a variety of food and drinks. NPWS staff are available in the park daily from 9 am to 5 pm.

Drive carefully at all times, especially at dawn and dusk. Pack enough water and snacks for your visit, and leave no trace to support bushland recovery.

Download the park map.

  • Harvey Return campground

    This camp­ground is the old land­ing site for the light­sta­tion and is near the his­toric light keep­ers’ ceme­tery. Cape Bor­da Light­house is with­in walk­ing dis­tance. The camp­sites pro­vides very min­i­mal shade and wind protection.

    Access: 2WD and 4WD
    Suit­able for: tents, select­ed sites suit­able for camper trail­ers and camper vans
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toi­let, pic­nic area
    Camp­fires: not allowed
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 8 allo­cat­ed campsites
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered

    Dogs are not allowed.
  • Mays Homestead

    This her­itage-list­ed cot­tage offers con­tem­po­rary and relaxed self-con­tained accom­mo­da­tion for up to four guests. Stun­ning­ly restored and updat­ed, the cot­tage fea­tures a cosy lounge room, full kitchen/​dining, two bed­rooms, and a spa­cious bathroom.

    Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­con­nect from the busy world (there is no wifi or TV and phone recep­tion is lim­it­ed), and con­nect with your loved ones – board games and cards are provided.

    There is reverse-cycle air-con­di­tion­ing in the kitchen/​dining and lounge room, and a wood-fired com­bus­tion heater in the lounge room.

    Enjoy out­door din­ing on the large paved deck and gath­er­ing around the fire pit in the cool­er months (fire restric­tions apply), while Cape Bar­ren geese and kan­ga­roos graze just steps away.

    Show­er chair and acces­si­bil­i­ty ramp avail­able on request – con­tact Flinders Chase Nation­al Park pri­or to your vis­it on (+618) 8553 4444.
  • Postmans Cottage

    This her­itage-list­ed cot­tage offers cosy self-con­tained accom­mo­da­tion for up to two guests. Stun­ning­ly restored and updat­ed, the cot­tage fea­tures an open-plan lounge, din­ing and kitchen, one bed­room with a queen size bed, and a spa­cious ensuite bathroom.

    Designed with acces­si­bil­i­ty in mind, the cot­tage has step-free access through­out, spa­cious rooms, acces­si­ble bath­room with roll-in show­er, wall-mount­ed show­er chair and on-site dis­abled park­ing. Portable show­er chair avail­able on request – con­tact Flinders Chase Nation­al Park pri­or to your vis­it on (+618) 8553 4444. For more infor­ma­tion, check the Acces­si­bil­i­ty web page.

    The ful­ly equipped kitchen includes an oven with 4‑burner stove­top, fridge/​freezer, microwave, ket­tle, toast­er, cof­fee plunger (BYO fan­cy cof­fee), cook­ing uten­sils, pots and pans, glass­ware, crock­ery and cut­lery. Cook­ing basics (tea, instant cof­fee, sug­ar, oil, salt and pep­per) are provided.

    Take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­con­nect from the busy world (there is no wifi or TV and phone recep­tion is lim­it­ed), and con­nect with your loved ones – board games and cards are provided.

    Enjoy out­door din­ing on the large paved deck and gath­er­ing around the fire pit in the cool­er months (fire restric­tions apply), while Cape Bar­ren geese and kan­ga­roos graze just steps away.
  • West Bay Campground (4WD)

    Locat­ed at the west­ern end of the park, this seclud­ed camp­ground set with­in a stun­ning coastal land­scape is a short walk from a tran­quil bay. There is very min­i­mal shade at these campsites.

    Access: 4WD only
    Suit­able for: tents and camper trailers
    Facil­i­ties: long drop toi­let, pic­nic area
    Campfires:not allowed 
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 8 allo­cat­ed campsites
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered