
Deep Creek National Park

Deep Creek National Park is the largest portion of remaining natural vegetation on the Fleurieu Peninsula and is home to an array of native wildlife such as western grey kangaroos, short beaked echidnas and 100 species of birds that can be heard and seen while walking in the park. Whales can be seen cruising the coast during their annual migration which takes place from June to October.

Located within 100 km of Adelaide, this park is a perfect destination for a day trip or weekend getaway. Five campgrounds are dotted throughout the park with four of them accessible by 2WD vehicles. The other campground is 'hike-in' only and situated on the Heysen trail, making it an ideal environment for a family adventure.

The 15 walking trails in the park provide spectacular scenery of Backstairs Passage, Kangaroo Island and the rugged Deep Creek Valley. The walks range from easy to very difficult so accommodating for all ages and abilities. The walking trail network in Deep Creek National Park includes sections of the famous Heysen Trail.

Explore nearby Talisker Conservation Park and discover the heritage-listed ruins of a silver and lead mine from 1860s or visit Encounter Marine Park which offers some of Australia's best-preserved ocean wilderness.

  • Cobbler Hill Campground

    Camp­site fees are per site per night. Vehi­cle entry fees are waivered in this camp­site fee.

    Access: 2WD and 4WD.
    All site suit­able for tents. Some site suit­able for camper vans, camper trail­ers and caravans. 
    Camp­fires allowed in fire pits (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply). Facil­i­ties: long-drop toilet. 
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 6 allo­cat­ed campsites.
    Elec­tric­i­ty: unpowered.
  • Stringybark Campground

    Camp­site fees are per site per night. Vehi­cle entry fees are waivered in this camp­site fee.

    Nes­tled amongst tall stringy­bark trees, this camp­ground has six­teen allo­cat­ed camp­sites with plen­ty of shade and wind protection.

    Access: 2WD and 4WD.
    All sites: suit­able for tents. Some sites: suit­able for camper vans, camper trail­ers and caravans.
    Facil­i­ties: flush­ing toi­lets, hot show­ers, pic­nic tables.
    Camp­fires: fire pads per site (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 16 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Tapanappa Campground

    Camp­site fees are per site per night. Vehi­cle entry fees are waivered in this camp­site fee.

    This camp­ground is a short walk to spec­tac­u­lar views of the coast­line with a num­ber of walk­ing trails near­by. There are sev­en­teen allo­cat­ed camp­sites, offer­ing some shel­ter for tents by the low coastal vegetation. 

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    All site suit­able for tents Some site suit­able for small camper vans and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties: long-drop toi­let, pic­nic shelter. 
    Camp­fires: fire pads per site (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites: 17 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Trig Campground

    Camp­site fees are per site per night. Vehi­cle entry fees are waivered in this camp­site fee.

    Spa­cious sur­rounds and Yac­ka plants as a con­trast­ing back­drop, this camp­ground is a beau­ti­ful retreat with plen­ty of open space.

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    All site suit­able for tents Some site suit­able for camper vans, camper trail­ers and caravans.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toi­let, pic­nic shelter.
    Camp­fires fire pits per site (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 25 allo­cat­ed campsites.