
Danggali Conservation Park and Wilderness Protection Area

Danggali Conservation Park provides habitat to many bird species, from major mitchell’s to the rare mallee fowl, offering interesting opportunities for birdwatching. There is also a range of small reptile species such as skinks and you may also see red and western grey kangaroos grazing in the scrub along with shy echidnas.

  • Canopus Quarters

    Locat­ed in Dang­gali Con­ser­va­tion Park. These quar­ters offer spa­cious, self-con­tained accom­mo­da­tion for up to 12 peo­ple. The quar­ters also have a ful­ly equipped recent­ly refur­bished kitchen and din­ing room. Veran­das offer respite from the sun and a place to sit and enjoy the seren­i­ty of the area whilst cook­ing your tea on the BBQ. A fire pit is also avail­able for night time com­fort fires.
  • Danggali Campground (4WD)

    Enjoy the park’s seren­i­ty at night in one of the self-suf­fi­cient bush camp­ing areas. A true out­back mallee expe­ri­ence only 90 min­utes from Ren­mark. The five camp sites offer par­tial shade and some pro­tec­tion from wind. Lit­tle to no phone cov­er­age so a satel­lite phone is ide­al in emergencies.

    Access 4WD only.
    Suit­able for tents and camper trailers.
    Facil­i­ties. Nil.
    Num­ber of camp­sites. 5 allo­cat­ed campsites.