
Canunda National Park

Discover a spectacular coastline of cliffs and long stretches of surf beaches in Canunda National Park. Featuring a diversity of coastal habitats, Canunda offers great opportunities to enjoy bushwalking, observe local birdlife, surf the waves or snorkel among the fish.

The northern section of the park is characterised by limestone cliffs, sea stacks, offshore reefs and low dense scrub, whereas the southern section is dominated by mobile sand dunes and stretches of beach which are backed by low foredunes. Evidence of the Boandik Peoples, who regularly camped along the coast, can be seen throughout the park.

The 40km coastline offers great fishing opportunities. Depending on the season and ocean conditions, mulloway, salmon, sharks or rays may tempt a bite. Try your luck off the rocks where sweep, abalone and crayfish may be caught.

Four-wheel driving is possible along the full length of the park by following the marker posts through the dunes and along Geltwood Beach.

While you're in the area, why not visit the Lower South East Marine Park.

  • Cape Banks campground

    Locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly 5km NW from Car­pen­ter Rocks. Acces­si­ble by 2WD and with a small car­a­van. Sit­u­at­ed near the his­tor­i­cal Cape Banks Light­house, there are 6 camp­sites which are rea­son­ably shel­tered from wind with min­i­mal shade. Ocean beach is 100 metres from camp­ing area and is safe for swim­ming when the swell is small. Good fish­ing beach. 

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for tent, camper trail­er, caravan.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toilet. 
    Camp­fires not allowed.
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 6 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Geltwood Beach campground

    Locat­ed 300 m from the ocean in cen­tral Canun­da. Acces­si­ble by 2WD and small/​medium sized car­a­vans. The high wave ener­gy sandy beach is unsafe for swim­ming. Lim­it­ed fresh water, but not rec­om­mend­ed for drink­ing. There is some wind pro­tec­tion but the coastal veg­e­ta­tion does not pro­vide shade.

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for car­a­van, camper trail­er, tent.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toilets.
    Camp­fires allowed in fire pits only (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 6 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Kotgee campground

    Locat­ed 2.4kmsouth of South-end. Acces­si­bly by 2WD vehi­cle on an unsealed road with a small to medi­um sized car­a­van. Lim­it­ed fresh water, but not rec­om­mend­ed for drink­ing. Some pri­vate sites and all offer rea­son­able to good wind pro­tec­tion, but with min­i­mal shade. Large gum trees pro­vide shade, com­mu­ni­ty fire site area. Cliff tops and rock pools are 1km away via 2WD track or walking. 

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for car­a­vans, camper trail­ers, tents.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toilet.
    Camp­fires allowed in fire pits only (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 7 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Nalawort campground

    Locat­ed 2.7 km south of South-end. Acces­si­ble by 2WD vehi­cle and small/​medium car­a­vans. Lim­it­ed fresh water but not rec­om­mend­ed for drink­ing. Pri­vate sites offer­ing good wind pro­tec­tion, but with min­i­mal shade. Cliff tops and rock pools are 1 km away via 2WD track.

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for car­a­vans, camper trail­ers, tents.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toilet.
    Camp­fires allowed in fire pits only (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 6 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Number Two Rocks campground

    This camp­ground offers rea­son­able wind pro­tec­tion with min­i­mal shade and is acces­si­ble by 4WD only. There are 7 camp­sites suit­able for tents or off road campers trail­ers. There is some wind pro­tec­tion but the coastal veg­e­ta­tion does not pro­vide shade. A scenic, safe swim­ming lagoon style beach is locat­ed nearby. 

    Access 4WD only.
    Suit­able for off-road camper trail­er, tent.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toilet.
    Camp­fires allowed in fire pits only (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply)
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 7 allo­cat­ed campsites.
  • Oil Rig Square campground

    Camp­ing area locat­ed 1.3 km from the ocean (Gelt­wood Beach) in cen­tral Canun­da. Acces­si­ble by 2WD and small/​medium sized car­a­vans. The high wave ener­gy sand beach is unsafe for swim­ming. Lim­it­ed fresh water and pit-style toi­let is avail­able on site. There is rea­son­able wind pro­tec­tion but the coastal veg­e­ta­tion does not pro­vide shade.

    Access 2WD and 4WD.
    Suit­able for car­a­van, camper trail­er, tent.
    Facil­i­ties, long-drop toilet.
    Camp­fires allowed in fire pits only (sea­son­al fire restric­tions apply).
    Num­ber of camp­sites, 7 allo­cat­ed campsites.