

It’s the wine cap­i­tal of Aus­tralia, a place where you can get a real taste for the fin­er things in life. The Barossa is a relaxed and friend­ly place, where you can share a drink with the peo­ple who actu­al­ly make the region’s world class wines. You might meet them at the Barossa’s winer­ies and cel­lar doors, or you might run into them at restau­rants, or on a golf course.

When you trav­el to the Barossa, you can also browse art stores for some­thing spe­cial to take home or get out into the sun­ny coun­try­side and stretch your legs with a walk in a nation­al park.

There are sev­er­al parks locat­ed near the Barossa region, most notably Para Wirra Recre­ation Park, which offers a range of activ­i­ties for families.

Parks in this region: