A mul­ti­tude of maps for the Wild South Coast Way

A num­ber of maps are avail­able to help plan a Wild South Coast Way journey.

Hik­ers, local busi­ness­es to ben­e­fit from $6 mil­lion Wild South Coast Way upgrades

A spec­tac­u­lar new look­out on the Hey­sen Trail on the Fleurieu Penin­su­la has offi­cial­ly been opened as part of the first stage of the $6 mil­lion Wild South Coast Way project.

Con­struc­tion starts on Wild South Coast Way infrastructure

Infra­struc­ture upgrades have begun to roll out on the Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail, with Ade­laide com­pa­ny Har­rold and Kite begin­ning work on two exist­ing camp­sites, Eagle Water­hole in Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park and a Hey­sen Trail camp­site on Crown land adja­cent to Balquhid­der Station.

Pro­posed new camp­sites for the Wild South Coast Way

Hik­ers are set to ben­e­fit from the pro­posed devel­op­ment of low-impact, walk-in camp­sites at Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park and New­land Head Con­ser­va­tion Park on the Fleurieu Peninsula.

See what’s planned: pic­nic area and look­out at Goon­dooloo Ridge

The Wild South Coast Way on the Hey­sen Trail is an excit­ing new mul­ti-day walk­ing expe­ri­ence on South Australia’s Fleurieu Penin­su­la. New facil­i­ties and upgrades are planned which will enhance sec­tions of the exist­ing icon­ic Hey­sen Trail from Cape Jervis to Vic­tor Har­bor and will bet­ter con­nect nation­al parks on SA’s south coast.