What to do if you find an injured animal

What to do if you find an injured animal

With­in a Nation­al Park

If you find a native injured ani­mal with­in a Nation­al Park, please refer to the indi­vid­ual parks pages for spe­cif­ic tele­phone numbers. 

Out­side of a Nation­al Park

If you find a native, injured, ani­mal out­side of a park, please con­tact a local wildlife res­cue group.

Marine mam­mals

If you find a sick or strand­ed marine mam­mal (includ­ing whales, seals, sea lions and dol­phins) please con­tact your local Nat­ur­al Resources Cen­tre. For more infor­ma­tion on what to do and who to call, vis­it our web­page.

Res­cu­ing wildlife yourself

You can res­cue a sick, injured or orphaned, native ani­mal from the wild if it needs care and treat­ment. If you intend to care for a native ani­mal that you have res­cued, you will need a Res­cue Permit

A per­mit not required when the ani­mal is:

  • An intro­duced species (not native to Australia)
  • Classed as an unpro­tect­ed native species.

The wel­fare of the res­cued ani­mal is vital­ly impor­tant. If you do not have the nec­es­sary skills or expe­ri­ence to care for the ani­mal, please seek advice or give the ani­mal to an expe­ri­enced carer.

For more infor­ma­tion or to apply for a res­cue per­mit, vis­it Res­cue Per­mits – pro­tect­ed ani­mals.