New Mid North nation­al park a step closer

A plan to con­vert an envi­ron­men­tal­ly sig­nif­i­cant 1000-hectare site near Bur­ra into a nation­al park has reached a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone after the sign­ing of an agree­ment to trans­fer own­er­ship of the land to the state government.

New moun­tain bike trail an epic addi­tion to nation­al park

Moun­tain bike rid­ers can test their endurance in one of South Australia’s most pic­turesque nation­al parks with the open­ing of the state’s newest bike trail.

There are plen­ty more fish in the sea

As the weath­er starts to warm, many of us will trav­el to our favourite boat­ing spots and head out fish­ing for the first time in months.

Jour­ney to anoth­er world by vis­it­ing east­ern sub­urbs parks

With stun­ning water­falls, gorges, wood­lands, and ridges, you could be for­giv­en for think­ing you are a world away.

Care for our Crown land this long weekend

Vis­i­tors plan­ning to camp on Crown land this long week­end are encour­aged to make the most of their adven­ture while respect­ing and con­serv­ing these pop­u­lar areas.