Upgrade works con­tin­ue at Nara­coorte Caves

Upgrade works to improve the World Her­itage-list­ed Vic­to­ria Fos­sil Cave Precinct have begun at Nara­coorte Caves Nation­al Park. 

Get up-close to giant cut­tle­fish this winter

Thou­sands of giant Aus­tralian cut­tle­fish are arriv­ing to the waters off Whyal­la and South Aus­tralians are encour­aged to wit­ness this unique nature-based experience.

Its whale-watch­ing sea­son in SA

South Australia’s whale watch­ing sea­son has offi­cial­ly start­ed with the first whale spot­ted in ear­ly May at the tip of the Fleurieu Peninsula. 

Source fire­wood sustainably

Dur­ing autumn, many peo­ple pre­pare for the cold, wet and windy days ahead by col­lect­ing wood for their win­ter fires.