Avoid con­tact with bats

South Aus­tralians are being remind­ed not to han­dle bats, as tem­per­a­tures soar, increas­ing the like­li­hood of bats and bat pups falling to the ground from heat stress.

Pro­tect­ing South Australia’s marine environments

With the warm sum­mer months now upon us, the fish­ing and crab­bing sea­son is in full swing across the state.

Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park – the place to be in January

Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park will be a hive of activ­i­ty through­out Jan­u­ary, as it is cel­e­brat­ed as Park of the Month – an ini­tia­tive encour­ag­ing chil­dren and fam­i­lies to get into South Australia’s parks. 

Campers, beware of seedy’ hitchhikers

Think­ing about a Christ­mas-New Year camp­ing trip to the coast, the bush or along the Murray? 

More than 2,000 hectares added to SA parks

South Australia’s parks have increased by more than 2,000 hectares with the State Gov­ern­ment adding land recent­ly to Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park, and Telowie Gorge, Ngarkat and Lawari Con­ser­va­tion Parks.