Just in time for Easter, a young greater bilby has been spotted for the first time in the Venus Bay Conservation Park on the Eyre Peninsula.
Populations of reintroduced western-quolls (Idnya) and brush-tailed possums (Virlda) at Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park have defied expectations and continued to expand, despite two years of exceptionally dry conditions.
More rangers will soon be on duty in South Australia’s parks with applications now open for five new positions to start later this year in some of the state’s most iconic parks.
Snorkelling and diving permits will soon be introduced for Ewens Ponds Conservation Park to better conserve and sustain the crystal-clear limestone ponds for the future.
Historic agreements have been signed to protect the world’s single greatest record of Ediacaran fossils at Nilpena Station in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges.