Great rea­sons to vis­it Hal­lett Cove Con­ser­va­tion Park in February

Vis­it Hal­lett Cove Con­ser­va­tion Park dur­ing Feb­ru­ary and take part in the many geo­log­i­cal to coastal activ­i­ties being held to cel­e­brate it being Park of the Month.

New name for the Simp­son Desert

The Simp­son Desert Con­ser­va­tion Park and Region­al Reserve have been offi­cial­ly renamed the Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert Con­ser­va­tion Park and Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert Region­al Reserve.

Come vis­it the revamped Nara­coorte Caves in the state’s South East

South Australia’s World-Her­itage list­ed Nara­coorte Caves has under­gone a $1.9 mil­lion revamp, which includes an award-win­ning acces­si­ble rooftop walk. 

Avoid con­tact with bats

South Aus­tralians are being remind­ed not to han­dle bats, as tem­per­a­tures soar, increas­ing the like­li­hood of bats and bat pups falling to the ground from heat stress.

Pro­tect­ing South Australia’s marine environments

With the warm sum­mer months now upon us, the fish­ing and crab­bing sea­son is in full swing across the state.