Koalas and wom­bats arrive safe and well in UK

Five koalas and two wom­bats from Cle­land Wildlife Park have arrived safe and well at Lon­gleat Safari Park in Eng­land fol­low­ing an epic jour­ney from Adelaide.

New web­site tar­gets old­er South Aus­tralians vis­it­ing parks

A new web­site has been launched – Parkapi­ki — to encour­age old­er peo­ple to bet­ter con­nect with local com­mu­ni­ties and dis­cov­er South Australia’s nation­al parks.

SA nation­al park ini­tia­tive up for an award

An ini­tia­tive that puts South Australia’s pre­mier nation­al parks in the spot­light is up for the 2018 Walk­ing SA Award. 

Pre­scribed burn sea­son launched

The Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water has begun its spring and autumn pre­scribed burn sea­son to reduce bush­fire risk and help pro­tect communities.

EOI process open til 15 November

Busi­ness­es and groups with ideas for the future use of the for­mer Belair golf course and coun­try club have been invit­ed to sub­mit expres­sions of inter­est by 15 Novem­ber 2018.