Autumn pre­scribed burns begin

South Australia’s autumn 2019 pre­scribed burn sea­son com­menced in late-March, with smoke plumes due to appear around the state over the com­ing months. 

Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park in the spot­light in April

The rugged land­scape of Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park will be in the spot­light in April dur­ing Park of the Month activities. 

Two met­ro­pol­i­tan parks now fer­al goat-free

Belair and Onka­paringa Riv­er nation­al parks are now goat-free for the first time in many years fol­low­ing a range of fer­al ani­mal man­age­ment actions. 

Land­scape South Aus­tralia Bill will imple­ment major NRM reform

A Bill has been intro­duced to Par­lia­ment to reform nat­ur­al resources man­age­ment in South Aus­tralia. The Land­scape South Aus­tralia Bill 2019 will repeal the Nat­ur­al Resources Man­age­ment Act 2004.

Come see what’s pos­si­ble at Glenthorne

Three open days will be held in ear­ly April to give the pub­lic a first-time peek at the Glen­thorne prop­er­ty to help shape the future Glen­thorne Nation­al Park.