Bil­by joey makes rare appear­ance on camera

Just in time for East­er, a young greater bil­by has been spot­ted for the first time in the Venus Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park on the Eyre Peninsula.

Quolls and pos­sums con­tin­ue to thrive in Ikara-Flinders Ranges

Pop­u­la­tions of rein­tro­duced west­ern-quolls (Idnya) and brush-tailed pos­sums (Virl­da) at Ikara-Flinders Ranges Nation­al Park have defied expec­ta­tions and con­tin­ued to expand, despite two years of excep­tion­al­ly dry conditions. 

More park rangers for South Australia

More rangers will soon be on duty in South Australia’s parks with appli­ca­tions now open for five new posi­tions to start lat­er this year in some of the state’s most icon­ic parks.

Per­mits intro­duced to pro­tect Ewens Ponds

Snorkelling and div­ing per­mits will soon be intro­duced for Ewens Ponds Con­ser­va­tion Park to bet­ter con­serve and sus­tain the crys­tal-clear lime­stone ponds for the future.

His­toric agree­ments to pro­tect Edi­acara fossils

His­toric agree­ments have been signed to pro­tect the world’s sin­gle great­est record of Edi­acaran fos­sils at Nilpe­na Sta­tion in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges.