A green­er Ade­laide means health­i­er communities

As part of the Healthy Parks Healthy Peo­ple SA ini­tia­tive, the Depart­ment for Health and Well­be­ing and the Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water have launched a Bet­ter Green­er cam­paign to raise aware­ness about how green spaces sup­port people’s health and well­be­ing, our urban ecosys­tem and our local economy.

Four recre­ation­al pro­pos­als con­sid­ered for Belair Golf Course

A call for Expres­sions of Inter­est (EOIs) for the for­mer Belair Golf Course and Coun­try Club site in Belair Nation­al Park has result­ed in four recre­ation­al pro­pos­als being iden­ti­fied for consideration.

Koalas and hills habi­tat to ben­e­fit from fer­til­i­ty control

Large con­cen­tra­tions of koalas in the Ade­laide Hills have prompt­ed a fer­til­i­ty con­trol pro­gram to ensure the long-term wel­fare of the koala pop­u­la­tion and the preser­va­tion of nat­ur­al bushland.

4WD club vol­un­teers turn out in droves at Ngarkat

A record 63 vol­un­teers from nine SA Four Wheel Dri­ve clubs vol­un­teered at a two-day work­ing bee at Ngarkat Con­ser­va­tion Park recently.

Be wary of wild mushrooms

South Aus­tralians are being remind­ed not to eat wild mush­rooms, as a vari­ety of mush­rooms start to emerge after recent rain.