Land­scape South Aus­tralia Bill will imple­ment major NRM reform

A Bill has been intro­duced to Par­lia­ment to reform nat­ur­al resources man­age­ment in South Aus­tralia. The Land­scape South Aus­tralia Bill 2019 will repeal the Nat­ur­al Resources Man­age­ment Act 2004.

Come see what’s pos­si­ble at Glenthorne

Three open days will be held in ear­ly April to give the pub­lic a first-time peek at the Glen­thorne prop­er­ty to help shape the future Glen­thorne Nation­al Park.

Cof­fee and ice cream on the menu at Morialta

Vis­i­tors to Mori­al­ta Con­ser­va­tion Park can now buy a cof­fee or an ice cream if they’re vis­it­ing the park from Wednes­day to Sunday.

Yorke Penin­su­la sanc­tu­ary for icon­ic and threat­ened species

One of the world’s most ambi­tious wildlife con­ser­va­tion projects, which involves fenc­ing off a huge area and stock­ing it with endan­gered native species, is about to unfold on Yorke Peninsula.

Great rea­sons to vis­it Hal­lett Cove Con­ser­va­tion Park in February

Vis­it Hal­lett Cove Con­ser­va­tion Park dur­ing Feb­ru­ary and take part in the many geo­log­i­cal to coastal activ­i­ties being held to cel­e­brate it being Park of the Month.