Cel­e­brate spring in Mur­ray Riv­er Nation­al Park

Come along and join in the fam­i­ly-friend­ly activ­i­ties being held at the Mur­ray Riv­er Nation­al Park this month.

Mount Lofty Sum­mit Trail open again to week­day walkers

The Water­fall Gul­ly to Mount Lofty Sum­mit Trail, which was tem­porar­i­ly closed on week­days since ear­ly August, has now reopened.

New cock­a­too aviary opens at Cleland

A new aviary fea­tur­ing one of Australia’s most icon­ic birds has opened at Cle­land Wildlife Park. 

Envi­ron­ment SA News first anniversary

It’s been a year since the launch of Envi­ron­ment SA News and to cel­e­brate we’re shar­ing some of our top news stories.

New man­age­ment plan for Nullar­bor parks

A new park man­age­ment plan has been devel­oped for the Nullar­bor parks, locat­ed approx­i­mate­ly 300 kilo­me­tres from Ceduna on the west coast of South Australia.