4WD club vol­un­teers turn out in droves at Ngarkat

A record 63 vol­un­teers from nine SA Four Wheel Dri­ve clubs vol­un­teered at a two-day work­ing bee at Ngarkat Con­ser­va­tion Park recently.

Be wary of wild mushrooms

South Aus­tralians are being remind­ed not to eat wild mush­rooms, as a vari­ety of mush­rooms start to emerge after recent rain.

Glamp­ing pro­posed for Lin­coln Nation­al Park

If glamp­ing is more your thing than camp­ing, you may be inter­est­ed to know that a glamp­ing pro­pos­al is being con­sid­ered for Lin­coln Nation­al Park. 

Dud­ley Penin­su­la Fire Man­age­ment Plan open for pub­lic consultation

The South Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment is seek­ing pub­lic feed­back on a new draft 10-year Fire Man­age­ment Plan for the Dud­ley Penin­su­la on Kan­ga­roo Island. 

Free events and vehi­cle entry to Para Wirra

An overnight hike with rangers is just one of the many free events on offer at Para Wirra Con­ser­va­tion Park dur­ing May.