New reserve is gateway to the stars
There’s a new reserve in the Mid-Murray region, but you’ll have to look up to get the best view of it.
Shorebird and dolphin festival makes the most of our coast
Come along to this month-long festival of events making it easy to discover the amazing wildlife along the Adelaide north coast.
Glenthorne National Park vision becomes clearer
Glenthorne National Park is one step closer to becoming a reality with the official transfer of land being signed, as well as the master plan available to view.
New ranger station to take care of Glenthorne
A new ranger station has been built in the future Glenthorne National Park to act as a site office for rangers to take care of the park and its visitors.
Legislation amendments introduced for shacks
Amendment has been introduced to Crown land legislation to help families with life tenure leases to retain their shacks on Crown Land and in national parks.