New reserve is gate­way to the stars

There’s a new reserve in the Mid-Mur­ray region, but you’ll have to look up to get the best view of it.

Shore­bird and dol­phin fes­ti­val makes the most of our coast

Come along to this month-long fes­ti­val of events mak­ing it easy to dis­cov­er the amaz­ing wildlife along the Ade­laide north coast.

Glen­thorne Nation­al Park vision becomes clearer

Glen­thorne Nation­al Park is one step clos­er to becom­ing a real­i­ty with the offi­cial trans­fer of land being signed, as well as the mas­ter plan avail­able to view.

New ranger sta­tion to take care of Glenthorne

A new ranger sta­tion has been built in the future Glen­thorne Nation­al Park to act as a site office for rangers to take care of the park and its visitors.

Leg­is­la­tion amend­ments intro­duced for shacks

Amend­ment has been intro­duced to Crown land leg­is­la­tion to help fam­i­lies with life tenure leas­es to retain their shacks on Crown Land and in nation­al parks.