Hop online to lock in your East­er escape

Campers are encour­aged to book their low-cost East­er get­away soon as camp­sites in the state’s mag­nif­i­cent parks and reserves are fill­ing up fast.

Fall head over hills’ for Cle­land this March

Autumn is a mag­i­cal time of the year in the Ade­laide Hills, mak­ing March the per­fect month to explore Cle­land Nation­al Park and enjoy a host of spe­cial activities. 

Con­nect with nature in Adelaide’s south

Glen­thorne Nation­al Park and Hal­lett Cove Con­ser­va­tion Park are vital spaces for peo­ple to con­nect with nature in Adelaide’s south­ern suburbs.

Flinders Ranges named in inter­na­tion­al trav­el pub­li­ca­tion’s best destinations

The Flinders Ranges, includ­ing the new Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park, has been named one of the world’s top places to vis­it by a lead­ing trav­el publication.

Koalas breed new hope for sur­vival of the species

A ground­break­ing breed­ing pro­gram to safe­guard the long-term con­ser­va­tion of koalas in Aus­tralia is being hailed as a suc­cess after the birth of four joeys at Cle­land Wildlife Park.