New ranger sta­tion to take care of Glenthorne

A new ranger sta­tion has been built in the future Glen­thorne Nation­al Park to act as a site office for rangers to take care of the park and its visitors.

Leg­is­la­tion amend­ments intro­duced for shacks

Amend­ment has been intro­duced to Crown land leg­is­la­tion to help fam­i­lies with life tenure leas­es to retain their shacks on Crown Land and in nation­al parks.

Malleefowl breed at Venus Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park

Venus Bay Con­ser­va­tion Park rangers have been buoyed by the dis­cov­ery of an active malleefowl nest mound with­in the park.

New app iden­ti­fies major land­marks and attrac­tions vis­i­ble from Mt Lofty Summit

Locals and tourists vis­it­ing Mount Lofty Sum­mit can now access a new tool to help them iden­ti­fy major land­marks and oth­er points of inter­est on the Ade­laide skyline.

New man­age­ment plan for Lake Gaird­ner Nation­al Park

A new man­age­ment plan has been devel­oped for Eyre Peninsula’s Lake Gaird­ner Nation­al Park to pro­tect one of South Australia’s largest salt lake systems.