Sum­mer clo­sure for 4WD track

Googs Track, a pop­u­lar four-wheel-dri­ve desert track north of Ceduna, will be closed over summer.

Park and site Christ­mas closures

A num­ber of nation­al parks and oth­er sites have amend­ed open­ing hours over the Christ­mas and New Year period.

Views sought on Mount Lofty Botan­ic Gar­den Masterplan

Com­mu­ni­ty views are being sought on a pro­pos­al to revi­talise Mount Lofty Botan­ic Garden.

Park man­age­ment changes to help reten­tion of shacks

South Aus­tralians can now pro­vide feed­back on pro­posed changes of four park man­age­ment plans which will help facil­i­tate the reten­tion of shacks in nation­al parks.

Come and cel­e­brate South Para Reser­voir opening

The next major mile­stone for Open­ing up our Reser­voirs will be achieved this week­end with the open­ing of South Para Reser­voir for kayak­ing, fish­ing, bush­walk­ing and picnicking.