Autumn pre­scribed burns about to start fol­low­ing sum­mer fires

The Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water (DEW) has today launched its annu­al autumn pre­scribed burn pro­gram which aims to reduce the risk and impact of bush­fire across the state. 

Ade­laide Botan­ic Gar­den lights up for night-time events program

Vis­i­tors will be enchant­ed by the noc­tur­nal won­ders of Ade­laide Botan­ic Gar­den with the launch of Botan­i­ca Lumi­na, a new pro­gram of curat­ed after-dark events that will see the gar­den come alive through the cool­er months. 

$22 mil­lion boost for SA parks

South Australia’s icon­ic nature-based tourism sec­tor — from pris­tine nation­al parks to world-class vis­i­tor attrac­tions on KI — will get a $22 mil­lion fund­ing injection.

Anoth­er step towards wildlife recovery

A nation­al wildlife recov­ery work­shop has iden­ti­fied post-bush­fire strate­gies for the Kan­ga­roo Island dun­nart, glossy black cock­a­too and oth­er endan­gered species.

Sturt is a gorge-ous’ pick for Park of the Month

Spec­tac­u­lar rock for­ma­tions, great views and chal­leng­ing bike trails all fea­ture in this month’s Park of the Month.