Bush­fires and South Australia’s nation­al parks

South Australia’s recent bush­fires have burnt over 90,000 hectares of nation­al park land result­ing in the clo­sure of mul­ti­ple parks on Kan­ga­roo Island and Ade­laide Hills until future notice. 

Onka­paringa Riv­er stars in Feb­ru­ary Park of the Month

Join in some adven­ture-packed activ­i­ties at Onka­paringa Riv­er Nation­al Park and Onka­paringa Riv­er Recre­ation Park to cel­e­brate them being named Park of the Month.

More koalas res­cued from KI to be housed at Cleland

Six­teen more koalas have been translo­cat­ed from bush­fire-rav­aged Kan­ga­roo Island and will be housed at Cle­land Wildlife Park to add to the recent­ly estab­lished dis­ease-free insur­ance population.

South Australia’s bush­fire wildlife recov­ery effort underway

The Wildlife Recov­ery Fund, Wildlife and Habi­tat Recov­ery Task­force and food drops are the first of many recov­ery actions under­way to sup­port South Aus­tralian wildlife affect­ed by the bushfires.

Kan­ga­roo Island koala pop­u­la­tion not at risk

The impact on koalas of the bush­fires on Kan­ga­roo Island has been sig­nif­i­cant, but there is no dan­ger to the sur­vival of their pop­u­la­tion on the island.