Sturt is a gorge-ous’ pick for Park of the Month

Spec­tac­u­lar rock for­ma­tions, great views and chal­leng­ing bike trails all fea­ture in this month’s Park of the Month.

Pop­u­lar fre­quent fly­er prepar­ing for his next trip

One of Adelaide’s most well-known fre­quent fly­ers, Go-Go god­wit, has been spot­ted on the mud­flats north of Adelaide. 

Col­lab­o­ra­tion for KI wildlife

Some of Australia’s lead­ing ecol­o­gists are with gov­ern­ment rep­re­sen­ta­tives, con­ser­va­tion groups and land­hold­ers on Kan­ga­roo Island this week to devel­op a recov­ery plan for bush­fire-affect­ed wildlife and threat­ened species.

$22.2m Coorong fund­ing approved and part­ner­ship formed

The inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned Coorong will get a much-need­ed boost with key works to soon begin to help improve long-term envi­ron­men­tal out­comes in the region.

Pri­or­i­ties for South Aus­tralian bush­fire recovery

Bush­fire recov­ery fund­ing of $1.5 mil­lion has been made avail­able for on-ground assess­ments and fer­al ani­mal con­trols in South Australia.