Feral pigs on Kangaroo Island are being targeted with a $2.67 million high-intensity program aimed at curbing the pest’s destruction on agriculture and the environment.
Boaties must be vigilant this whale migration season and respect these mammals by keeping a safe distance, unlike a boatie captured on camera last week.
A lifetime committed to ecology and the environment has seen Senior Ranger Erik Dahl recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List with a Public Service Medal for outstanding public service to natural and cultural heritage preservation and conservation in South Australia.
A male dolphin named Namor at the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary (ADS) is in good physical condition and feeding and behaving normally, despite the presence of a lump on its side.
Up to $52 million of works have started to rebuild and rejuvenate Kangaroo Island’s nature-based tourism in parks, creating hundreds of much-needed jobs following the summer’s bushfires and impacts from coronavirus.