Wildlife Recov­ery Fund grants now open

Land­hold­ers, com­mu­ni­ty groups and researchers can now apply for bush­fire recov­ery grants of up to $50,000 to help re-estab­lish native habi­tat and sup­port threat­ened and vul­ner­a­ble native ani­mals in South Australia. 

You can help with wildlife recov­ery from home

You can sup­port South Australia’s bush­fire recov­ery effort from home, on your mobile or lap­top, by help­ing to iden­ti­fy wildlife cap­tured on-cam­era in unburnt patch­es of Kan­ga­roo Island’s parks. 

Camp­ing an option again in SA’s nation­al parks and reserves

The eas­ing of COVID-19-relat­ed restric­tions on region­al trav­el in South Aus­tralia has paved the way for the re-open­ing of camp sites in SA’s nation­al parks and reserves.

SA her­itage fos­sil sites to ben­e­fit from her­itage grants

Two South Aus­tralian nation­al­ly-list­ed her­itage fos­sil sites will ben­e­fit from the 201920 round of the Aus­tralian Her­itage Grants Program.

Icon­ic Gran­ite Island pines removed for safety

Two dead Nor­folk Island pine trees will be removed from Gran­ite Island to make the area safe for the public.