No camp­ing on pub­lic land in SA dur­ing COVID-19 crisis

In the lead up to the East­er long week­end and April school hol­i­days the Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water advis­es that no camp­ing will be per­mit­ted on Crown Land, nor in South Aus­tralian parks and reserves for the fore­see­able future.

Icon­ic Bor­der Track will stay closed for remain­der of fire dan­ger season

To ensure day vis­i­tor safe­ty the one-way sec­tion of the Bor­der Track with­in Ngarkat Con­ser­va­tion Park will remain closed until the end of April align­ing with the extend­ed Fire Dan­ger Season. 

SA parks are open for locals to visit

South Australia’s nation­al parks are avail­able for local peo­ple to vis­it their local park, as long as vis­i­tors fol­low all State and Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment COVID-19 guidelines. 

Parts of Simp­son Desert closed due to flooding

Vis­i­tors to the Munga-Thirri-Simp­son Desert should be aware that the Queens­land por­tion of the desert will remain closed until ear­ly to mid-April due to flood­ing in the Eyre Creek. 

Wildlife recov­ery on Kan­ga­roo Island update

Work is under­way to sup­port the recov­ery of Kan­ga­roo Island wildlife fol­low­ing the sum­mer bush­fires, rang­ing from on-ground rapid assess­ment sur­veys to the man­age­ment of fer­al cats and pigs on the island.