SA her­itage fos­sil sites to ben­e­fit from her­itage grants

Two South Aus­tralian nation­al­ly-list­ed her­itage fos­sil sites will ben­e­fit from the 201920 round of the Aus­tralian Her­itage Grants Program.

Icon­ic Gran­ite Island pines removed for safety

Two dead Nor­folk Island pine trees will be removed from Gran­ite Island to make the area safe for the public.

Take a vir­tu­al vis­it of South Australia’s nation­al parks

Strug­gling with COVID-19 restric­tions and need a lit­tle men­tal health and well­be­ing boost? Now’s the per­fect time to take a vir­tu­al vis­it to some of South Australia’s most beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al environments.

Don’t pick and eat wild mushrooms

South Aus­tralians head­ing out­doors as the weath­er turns cold­er are remind­ed not to pick and eat wild mushrooms. 

More South Aus­tralians enjoy­ing parks dur­ing COVID-19 pandemic

Rangers from the Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Aus­tralia (NPWSSA) have noticed an increase in South Aus­tralians vis­it­ing their local parks dur­ing the COVID-19 pandemic.