New man­age­ment plan for bird sanc­tu­ary takes flight

Bet­ter pro­tec­tion for wildlife and increas­ing vis­i­tor num­bers are key parts of a new park man­age­ment plan for Adelaide’s inter­na­tion­al bird sanctuary.

New tech­nol­o­gy reveals high­er than expect­ed sea lion numbers

A com­bi­na­tion of unmanned aer­i­al vehi­cle (UAV) tech­nol­o­gy and pho­togram­me­try soft­ware has seen researchers detect greater than ever pup num­bers dur­ing suc­ces­sive Aus­tralian sea lion breed­ing sea­son sur­veys in the Great Aus­tralian Bight. 

Rein­vig­o­rat­ing Belair Nation­al Park

The State Government’s revi­tal­i­sa­tion of South Aus­tralian parks will include Belair Nation­al Park with upgrade works in progress and com­mu­ni­ty con­sul­ta­tion on a mas­ter plan­ning process for the for­mer golf course and Coun­try Club underway. 

Cle­land Wildlife Park achieves zero waste to landfill

South Aus­tralian tourism icon, Cle­land Wildlife Park, reached an impor­tant envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty mile­stone this month, achiev­ing zero waste to land­fill for the first time.

Appli­ca­tions now open for leas­ing of shacks on Crown lands

Eli­gi­ble lease­hold­ers (or nom­i­nees) for shacks on Crown lands are cur­rent­ly invit­ed to apply for longer tenure as part of the government’s Retain­ing Shacks program.