Plants to sta­bilise rebuilt dunes

More than 8500 plants will veg­e­tate new­ly restored dunes at Sem­a­phore South as part of a project to rebuild the area, which was bad­ly dam­aged dur­ing a storm in 2016.

Glen­thorne Nation­al Park-Itya­mai­it­pin­na Yarta opens its gates

Glen­thorne Nation­al Park-Itya­mai­it­pin­na Yarta, Adelaide’s sec­ond met­ro­pol­i­tan nation­al park, has opened its gates to the public. 

Have a whale of a time dur­ing Park of the Month this August

With south­ern right whales mak­ing their annu­al frol­ic along the coasts of Ade­laide, August is an ide­al time to vis­it the Fleurieu Penin­su­la where these ocean won­ders are an infa­mous tourism drawcard.

Fees waived for anoth­er month at Flinders Chase Nation­al Park

Free entry into Flinders Chase on Kan­ga­roo Island has been extend­ed until the end of August in a move designed to fur­ther sup­port the local com­mu­ni­ty and tourism econ­o­my as the island recov­ers from the dev­as­tat­ing sum­mer bush­fires and COVID-19

Increased num­bers of park rangers sup­port park vis­i­ta­tion through pandemic

Fri­day 31 August is World Ranger Day and the per­fect time to cel­e­brate South Australia’s park rangers and the way they are sup­port­ing the large num­ber of peo­ple vis­it­ing the state’s parks.