Interest in nature-based tourism is on the rise thanks to the State Government’s $5 million Nature-based Tourism Co-investment Fund, with sites such as Cleland Wildlife Park and Myponga Reservoir Reserve experiencing a high level of interest from potential applicants.
South Australia will be better prepared to support the preservation and re-establishment of the natural environment during and following bushfires with a new framework released by the Wildlife and Habitat Bushfire Recovery Taskforce.
With pristine white sandy beaches, beautiful coastlines and sparkling blue water Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park is a favourite destination of many South Australians, and there’s no better time to visit than in January when it will be celebrated as National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia’s (NPWSSA) Park of the Month.
The re-establishment of little penguins on West Island, off the Fleurieu Peninsula coastline, has been an exciting discovery for National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia (NPWSSA) staff.
The Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail (KIWT) will reopen for walkers from 1 December for the first time since last summer’s devastating bushfires.