Buoys deployed in Kel­li­die Bay Sanc­tu­ary Zone

Three buoys mark­ing part of the out­er bound­ary of the Kel­li­die Bay Marine Park Sanc­tu­ary zone have recent­ly been deployed in Kel­li­die Bay by Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice SA (NPWS­SA).

New open­ing hours means more time to enjoy your botan­ic garden

Vis­i­tors to Ade­laide Botan­ic Gar­den will have more time to enjoy the garden’s enchant­i­ng land­scapes and excit­ing, world-class curat­ed events through an exten­sion of its open­ing hours.

Break­ing ground at new nature space in Blackwood’s Wit­tun­ga Botan­ic Garden

A unique play space in the Wit­tun­ga Botan­ic Gar­den will start con­struc­tion this week, pro­vid­ing enter­tain­ment for the whole fam­i­ly to enjoy, just one of the many upgrades at the Botan­ic Gar­den fund­ed through the Ade­laide City Deal. 

Inter­est in nature-based tourism invest­ment con­tin­ues to grow in SA

Inter­est in nature-based tourism is on the rise thanks to the State Government’s $5 mil­lion Nature-based Tourism Co-invest­ment Fund, with sites such as Cle­land Wildlife Park and Mypon­ga Reser­voir Reserve expe­ri­enc­ing a high lev­el of inter­est from poten­tial applicants.

Giv­ing nature a help­ing hand after bushfires

South Aus­tralia will be bet­ter pre­pared to sup­port the preser­va­tion and re-estab­lish­ment of the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment dur­ing and fol­low­ing bush­fires with a new frame­work released by the Wildlife and Habi­tat Bush­fire Recov­ery Taskforce.