His­toric cel­e­bra­tions at Yorke Peninsula’s Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park

Today marks the 50th anniver­sary of the procla­ma­tion of Innes Nation­al Park on the Yorke Penin­su­la and in anoth­er sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone the State Gov­ern­ment has entered into a co-man­age­ment agree­ment with the Narung­ga nation.

Bud­get boost for SA’s parks

South Australia’s parks have received more than $130 mil­lion in today’s State Bud­get 2020 – 21. 

More invest­ment in parks

New fund­ing of $17 mil­lion will be invest­ed in South Australia’s parks to improve nature-based tourism. 

Katara­p­ko flood­plain works take out major indus­try award

Depart­ment for Envi­ron­ment and Water staff involved in the Katara­p­ko Flood­plain Inun­da­tion Mea­sures Project had cause for cel­e­bra­tion recent­ly, tak­ing out a pres­ti­gious South Aus­tralian award.

100th vol­un­teer ranger appoint­ed in South Australia

South Australia’s vol­un­teer park ranger pro­gram reached a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone today with the appoint­ment of the 100th vol­un­teer ranger since the pro­gram start­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2019.