Giv­ing nature a help­ing hand after bushfires

South Aus­tralia will be bet­ter pre­pared to sup­port the preser­va­tion and re-estab­lish­ment of the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment dur­ing and fol­low­ing bush­fires with a new frame­work released by the Wildlife and Habi­tat Bush­fire Recov­ery Taskforce.

Cel­e­brate sum­mer by vis­it­ing the spec­tac­u­lar coastal scenery of Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park this January

With pris­tine white sandy beach­es, beau­ti­ful coast­lines and sparkling blue water Dhil­ba Guu­ran­da-Innes Nation­al Park is a favourite des­ti­na­tion of many South Aus­tralians, and there’s no bet­ter time to vis­it than in Jan­u­ary when it will be cel­e­brat­ed as Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Australia’s (NPWS­SA) Park of the Month.

Boost for lit­tle pen­guins on Fleurieu Peninsula

The re-estab­lish­ment of lit­tle pen­guins on West Island, off the Fleurieu Penin­su­la coast­line, has been an excit­ing dis­cov­ery for Nation­al Parks and Wildlife Ser­vice South Aus­tralia (NPWS­SA) staff.

New expe­ri­ence show­cas­es Kan­ga­roo Island Wilder­ness trail recovery

The Kan­ga­roo Island Wilder­ness Trail (KIWT) will reopen for walk­ers from 1 Decem­ber for the first time since last summer’s dev­as­tat­ing bushfires.

Flight of fan­cy at Canun­da Nation­al Park as H9 spot­ted three decades after first sighting

One of the old­est known pied oys­ter­catch­ers in south­ern Aus­tralia has been sight­ed just north of Car­pen­ter Rocks in Canun­da Nation­al Park dur­ing vol­un­teer bien­ni­al mon­i­tor­ing this week.