Kids go free at Kan­ga­roo Island attractions

To entice fam­i­lies to adven­ture local­ly and sup­port recov­ery efforts on Kan­ga­roo Island, kids can now enjoy free access to Flinders Chase Nation­al Park and Seal Bay’s pop­u­lar board­walk tour.

New trail open at Cle­land Con­ser­va­tion Park

The Ade­laide Hills has a new walk­ing and cycling trail which offers a more acces­si­ble, fam­i­ly-friend­ly option for those want­i­ng to explore Mount Lofty.

Wit­tun­ga Botan­ic Gar­den gets a $750,000 boost

Wit­tun­ga Botan­ic Gar­den at Black­wood is set to become even more pop­u­lar, with a new view­ing plat­form and nature play area to be built through $750,000 fund­ing from the Ade­laide City Deal. 

SA’s old­est Nation­al Park is cel­e­brat­ed dur­ing Park of the Month this October

The birth­place of the nation­al parks sys­tem in South Aus­tralia has long been a favourite for gen­er­a­tions of South Australians.

More than 650 hectares added to four nation­al parks

More than 650 hectares has been added to four of South Australia’s nation­al parks to strength­en con­ser­va­tion and bio­di­ver­si­ty across the state.